Feature Articles
At BlueStripe, we surveyed 126 IT operations and production support executives at enterprise-level organizations. We were interested about the range of applications they’re responsible for, the most pressing challenges, and if their management tools were effective enough for them to do their jobs. The executives responded with a clear “no” on the latter inquiry. Here’s a summary of the survey results ...
End-user behavior learning technology provides the business with a view into how each end-user interacts with their online business services to ensure a superior user experience. The business learns about user experiences based on past online activity, and quickly and proactively adjusts to meet expected levels of service regardless of the conditions or variables ...
Once a decision to try out VDI is made, the primary focus is to benchmark the performance of physical desktops, model their usage, predict the virtualized user experience and based on the results, determine which desktops can be virtualized and which can't ...
As a continuation of the APMdigest list of predictions for 2012, industry experts offer a range of predictions specifically on cloud management, and Application Performance Management in the cloud ...
The quality of an end user's experience of an application is becoming an ever more important consideration in the APM world. Increasingly, multiple applications and loosely coupled infrastructure components are coming together to contribute to the end user's experience. Understanding how all those applications and components are interacting at the point where the user is engaging them is crucial to an understanding of the user's experience ...
Industry experts from analyst and consulting firms and all the top vendors offer thoughtful, insightful, and sometimes controversial predictions on how Application Performance Management and related BSM and ITSM technologies will change and impact business in 2012 ...
Instead of throwing applications “over the fence” blindly to operations, a fluid and much more effective DevOps process inserts transparency, efficiency and ownership into the art of developing, releasing and the production use of critical applications. It also binds the two traditionally siloed teams together. The following are six critical steps IT can take to improve DevOps collaboration and ultimately the business bottom line, profitability ...
Storage arrays are faster and easier to configure, but with applications riding on top of virtualization using shared storage, arrays are often the hidden cause of application performance issues ...
If you’ve been thinking that your application is a candidate for the cloud then you need to obtain a real understanding of the performance capabilities and discuss with your cloud suppliers just what they can do to maintain or increase your current performance ...
Neebula conducted a Business Service Management survey, covering 84 companies that have recently completed BSM projects. The majority of BSM projects took too long to complete, did not succeed to maintain accurate service models, and most of all, failed to meet their objectives ...
APMdigest followers will already have read the article on Gartner's 5 Dimensions of APM. We'd like to look at this matter from a different angle: What are the important issues and goals to consider when evaluating a suite of APM solutions -- from one or more vendors -- to ensure that your APM solution will help IT operate at the new speed of business?
Gartner's recently published Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring defines “five distinct dimensions of, or perspectives on, end-to-end application performance” which are essential to APM ...
The consumer IT movement means that expectations for performance have changed dramatically. Developers and IT managers need to understand the requirements for “instant-on” apps. If an application stops working, the user will ditch it and go download something else. So what can you do to avoid mobile application meltdown and failed ROI ...
Mobile has arrived and is accelerating in a big way across industries like retail, financial services, travel and entertainment. To capitalize on the mobile web opportunity, you need to make your site's mobile user experience as fast, reliable, high-quality and user-friendly as possible ...
Deciding to take the plunge and start Application Performance Management is a big first step. Choosing which application(s) to start monitoring is the next one. I suggest that Exchange is the perfect starting point ...
Many things can, and will, go wrong during the development of an enterprise application. These issues underscore the importance of using test cycles to detect potential performance-robbing defects before the application is moved into production ...
As you start matching your list of requirements to the available products, you'll quickly realize that most APM systems are designed for different applications than the ones you want to build using AMQP ...
The difficulty of APM is that applications have many faces – kind of like multiple personalities ... The challenge is that each application has unique performance characteristics and user expectations that must be taken into account when managing performance ...
The trouble is the market rarely communicates the business value of APM. Typically, the focus is on the nuts and bolts, pitching at the technician. APM is much more than that. Managers who sit outside of IT need to know how it can reduce costs, drive productivity and motivate staff ...
Good application performance monitoring in the cloud involves repeatedly monitoring and testing a few key areas that act differently in most cloud environments than they do in traditional situations ...
By implementing ITIL best practices, companies in the public or private sector will experience positive results ... To better serve your customers and the organization where you reside, investing in ITIL could be the winning x-factor needed to jump-start this powerful journey ...
The cloud can create more complexity and risk if an organization is unprepared to manage security, reliability, and transaction performance through the various physical and virtual layers ...
Today’s market environment demands businesses to change and adapt rapidly according to market dynamics, while still remaining in control. For business, these dynamics can mean sifting through what can amount to petabytes of data to act tactically and strategically ...
Today’s data center and business service operations and delivery environments are, and will continue to be, highly dynamic. They require active, intelligent and increasingly automated oversight and control of available assets (including infrastructure, processes, etc.) for reliable service delivery ...
What you might not realize is that enterprises need to pay as much attention to keeping their middleware running smoothly as they do to their applications ...