Feature Articles
The following are five key capabilities and offerings that help successful cloud service providers deliver the highest quality service, provide customers insight into usage and performance, and increase revenue ...
A significant departure between traditional systems management approaches and Business Service Management (BSM) is that BSM enables IT teams to view technology not purely in terms of the health of individual infrastructure and application components, but as a set of cross-silo services that directly impact the business. Today's BSM dashboards must deliver the role-specific information that organizations need, in order to guide decisions that collectively improve the quality of business-critical services. With this in mind, here are five dashboard must-haves for BSM ...
It seems that everyone in IT has caught “Cloud-fever” ... However, lost within the technology is the reality that someone is responsible for keeping the Cloud up and running. That someone is usually Operations personnel along with their fellow Systems, Network, Storage, and Security Engineers. The lifeline of these dedicated individuals is a unified monitoring and eventing system with a goal of providing relevant, functional, and timely alerts ...
Good mobile business applications are better than their PC counterparts because they are context-sensitive, aware of who is using them, and organized so essential features are easily accessible. The seven laws of effective mobile software design ensure that the mobile business applications used to manage IT in your enterprise provide the results you require ...
Dennis Drogseth, VP at EMA, wraps up his series of articles about CMDB/CMS.
Dennis Drogseth outlines CMDB/CMS use cases for Service Impact Management.
Dennis Drogseth outlines CMDB/CMS use cases for Change Management and Change Impact Analysis.
Dennis Drogseth outlines CMDB/CMS use cases for Asset Management and Financial Optimization.
Before you even get started looking to invest in a CMDB or CMS, you should know WHAT it is you want to achieve and have a pretty good idea who’s involved. This list provides you with 16 questions you should be asking ...
Dennis Drogseth, VP at EMA, shares the insights he gained from his in-depth research into the current state of the CMDB/CMS market.
Service Management professionals, whether working in an operational environment, providing consultancy or training services, or any other aspect of service management, would benefit from the ability to demonstrate their professional standing, competency and experience ...
If it is your job to translate overhyped demands to take your business ‘To The Cloud!’ you know there is not enough reality in cloud computing. You cannot start from scratch, nor can you simply deploy dynamic virtualization and call it done. You must accommodate legacy investments, architectural spaghetti, ‘technical debt’, manual processes and more. So where do you start?
BSMdigest asked a variety of experts across the industry: What is the one piece of advice you would give someone about application performance management in the cloud? Several of these experts addressed the issue of application performance in the public cloud. Here are their answers ...
BSMdigest asked a variety of experts across the industry: What is the one piece of advice you would give someone about application performance management in the cloud?
I hear lots of debate about whether IT should be in a customer/supplier relationship (often described as being a Service Provider) or seen as an integral part of the business along with their colleagues in other departments ...
Cloud computing requires a sophisticated approach to Business Service Management that enables you to track services from the data center and into the cloud. This post looks at 5 key capabilities that organizations must have in order to maintain visibility and control in the cloud ...
Defining BSM has always been a challenge. Many tool vendors have their own definitions of BSM, or use other terms such as ITSM, BTM or APM instead of BSM ...
Finding and implementing the appropriate end-user monitoring solution for your business requires significant effort, but it will be worthwhile in the end, if done properly. Here are 5 tips to help you get started.
From the BSMdigest archives, this article from 2006 gives some historical perspective on the struggle to gain visibility into the end-user experience.
Business Service Management tools link IT components and the business services they support. BSM has changed both the way IT is managed and the conversation between IT and the business, putting focus on service levels of key business processes rather than on service level agreement (SLA) management of specific IT components ...
Over the past year or so there has been a lot of buzz around the terms ‘customer experience’ and ‘end-user experience’, as well as advice on how to maximize or optimize experience. Why the focus on the end-user experience? It’s the key to driving the adoption and efficient use of critical business services ...
The rapidly expanding and maturing cloud industry on demonstration at Cloud Connect makes me believe that 2011 will be The Year of the Cloud. By this, I mean 2011 will be the breakout year for cloud computing, in which understanding and adoption of this new technology – and money and resources pumped into the sector – will expand exponentially ...
Kalyan Ramanathan, Director of BSM for HP, shares four predictions of how BSM will evolve in the cloud.
Moving services to the cloud promises to deliver increased agility at a lower cost -- but there are many risks along the way and greater complexity to manage when you get there. The following are five critical hurdles that you may face when implementing and operating a private cloud or hybrid cloud and how you can overcome them ...
Predictive analytics evaluates the current and past and makes predictions about the future ... It is the hidden decision engine that drives many innovative businesses ...