Vendor Forum
In 2014, we will see further synergies between and APM SaaS and DevOps to a create delivery model that will allow for rapid deployment, rapid development cycles (days instead of weeks and months), and ultimately - continuous delivery ...
Christmas is a time to be with family and friends, not a network problem. However, according to the latest survey from Ipswitch Network Management Division, 46 percent of IT pros will be on-call this holiday season and nearly one in three have experienced a major network outage during prior holiday seasons, demonstrating that the biggest Scrooge of the season for IT pros is the network itself ...
Wireless networks are not the same as your corporate LAN or MPLS network. You need to know what is required to enable your applications to work well in wireless networks ...
Compuware Corporation announced its top technology predictions for 2014 ...
However you define APM, the whole performance management landscape is on the cusp of a number of important changes that will alter the game in 2014. Here are some predictions around key areas you can expect to see change ...
Growing mobile device diversity and management was high on the list of Gartner’s 10 top strategic technology trends for 2014. Gartner predicts that by 2018 BYOD users will double, or even triple, the size of the mobile workforce. Gartner’s prediction describes the new reality of IT management: the User is King ...
The mobile commerce opportunity is huge, as proven most recently by the Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday shopping period. What can retailers do to better capitalize on the mobile commerce opportunity? We recommend the following key strategies, throughout the remainder of the holiday season and beyond ...
No topic in IT today is hotter than cloud computing. And I find it interesting how the rapid adoption of cloud platforms has led to a reinvention of how many IT applications and services work at a fairly deep level — certainly including those in my own area of APM. Multi-tenancy, for instance, is a concept that has really come into vogue with the advent of public cloud platforms ...
Recent data on the world's fastest 4G LTE network speeds places the USA 8th. Some will use this as an excuse for the poor performance of their mobile applications and why they fail to meet user expectations. For a majority, however, this information confirms what they have always known: the network was never and will never be the answer to better performance ...
I've come up with a wish-list of features that I would like to see in a true best-in-class APM solution ...
Today’s network managers are tasked with two conflicting business directives when it comes to network performance. The first is to ensure the delivery of an optimal end-user experience on the network, and the second is to reduce the operational costs of the network. To help meet these challenges, Fluke Networks is providing five tips to streamline capacity planning and optimize bandwidth usage in the enterprise ...
Substantial adoption of mobile shopping can be expected during the upcoming 2013 holiday season, according to a new consumer survey from Compuware's Application Performance Management (APM) division, conducted with the help of Harris Interactive. The results also demonstrated how demanding mobile end-users are when it comes to the quality (speed and availability) of their mobile interactions ...
The headlines are filled with news of retail website failures and crashes – most recently with the launch of Obamacare and the continuing crashes due to high visitor load. Some of this attention is due to the media's insatiable appetite for bad news, some of it is fueled by massive user dissatisfaction, but for the most part; websites are just simply failing more. Quite often, sites go down because organizations are not sufficiently prepared to manage the risks that exist because of the complexity that surrounds their sites ...
Every day, compelling new applications, built to support the needs of enterprises, are turning up in the cloud. While the reward is great, because these apps are mission-critical and deployed to your entire workforce, so is the risk. If your cloud-based CRM system is unavailable, the sales team is certainly impacted, but if email, IP and/or VoIP communications are unavailable, the entire organization takes a productivity hit. To address this risk, IT must take a fresh look at how they monitor and manage these services ...
Technology has improved by leaps and bounds, but our ability to leverage it to our best business effect isn't nearly as well optimized. Too often, IT has become its own little world, all but divorced from the business side and unable to take into account business goals and strategies in the way services are managed ...
For many years the focus of APM was on making the application server run better. And from that perspective, it was successful. However, while the application server became more reliable and ran faster, the two key features IT Operations management desire: getting alerted to problems before the end user is affected and being pointed in the right direction have not improved much ...
Virtualization is putting application performance to the fore. The following covers some important use cases of application performance in a virtualized environment, and what you need to monitor to avoid performance issues and application downtime ...
Availability has become, over the past decade, an intrinsic requirement in all application performance whether it is internal or external applications. We don’t think about it quite so much, but what is becoming increasingly essential is speed ...
As Toxic War Rooms — a recent research paper from Seattle Pacific University — points out, War Rooms may not work as well as advertised, if at all. So what's the alternative? Is it even possible to build teams that can work together effectively to solve problems in highly charged, ever changing environments? According to the research, the answer is yes ...
In recent years, the War Room model has become a popular approach to large group problem solving in IT as well as other organizational settings. Unfortunately, War Rooms may not work as well as advertised, if at all. As Toxic War Rooms — a recent research paper from Seattle Pacific University — points out, there are four common pathologies that call into question the effectiveness of the War Room approach ...