Vendor Forum

April 18, 2012
Jennifer Kuvlesky

Do a Google search on mobile management, and you will get a lot of material to comb through. The two main topics you will encounter include mobile device management and management from your mobile device ...

March 26, 2012
Antonio Piraino

In Part One and Part Two of this series on choosing the right service provider, I covered the different types of service providers and how the size and consumer type of the business should impact the types of provider services needed. In this blog, I cover some of the other factors that are critical to consider when looking for a service provider to fulfill your needs and benefit your business ...

March 20, 2012
Linh Ho

It's no secret that we live in a siloed enterprise IT world. Many attempts have been made to better connect functional departments before but it seems like very little progress has been made. Not only are the different applications that underpin common business processes run as fiefdoms, but the distributed tiered nature of modern application architecture creates walls around functions and tiers. When you add operations to the mix you have multiple stakeholders with conflicting agendas, delegating application performance to the firefighting exercise that ensures once business is severely impacted ...

March 15, 2012
Steve Tack

The thought of adding yet more performance testing cycles into an already overstretched delivery team often elicits the same reaction as the five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression then acceptance ...

March 14, 2012
Charley Rich
Nastel Technologies

It’s important to have a dynamic view of the production environment in order to optimize system performance and visibility. This is no secret, but I’m baffled to see the patterns of technology segregation and operational exclusivity continue ...

March 12, 2012
Antonio Piraino

In this post, I cover how your size and end-customer type do matter: Both are important factors in determining what type of managed services you need ...

March 01, 2012
Stacy Gorkoff

Because your customers do. Because multi-channel payment environments are a reality. Because virtualization and the Cloud changes everything. Take your pick ...

February 27, 2012
Antonio Piraino

As more and more companies choose to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing, they are also increasingly considering outsourcing the hosting and management of their data center and cloud infrastructures to a third party. Yet the world of service providers can be a complex one to the uninitiated, especially as cloud computing is changing that world significantly ...

February 21, 2012
Linh Ho

It’s no secret that the cloud has forever changed IT. IT is evolving into more distributed, modular, complex architectures. Moving services to the cloud to take advantage of increased agility at a lower cost means taking some risks as there are greater complexities to manage and applications may or may not be in your control. Cloud has essentially changed the game for what’s needed in an enterprise APM solution for today’s modern businesses ...

February 17, 2012
Holger Schulze

eG Innovations asked over 150 IT operations professionals in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific about their performance management preferences and thoughts. The survey results show that companies are having a hard time keeping up with the performance management requirements of virtualized IT infrastructures ...

February 13, 2012
Steve Tack

On February 2, Compuware released its annual Best of the Web 2011 report recognizing the year’s website and mobile site performance leaders across a variety of industries. What made these companies winners, and how are they able to deliver fast, reliable mobile site experiences that set them apart from their competition?

February 06, 2012
Vikas Aggarwal

At a recent trade show, there was an interesting question from the audience about how to hold their Cloud provider responsible for slow performance of their applications. How to avoid the next catastrophic outage and ensure they had SLAs to penalize the cloud provider for sloppy application performance ...

February 01, 2012
Stacy Gorkoff

Within banking and retail environments, APM is changing. This is because more and more service and payment transactions are originating from alternative payment applications based in Cloud, mobile or virtual environments. Monitoring the performance of these new services and payment applications is just as critical as traditional services that have been integrated within POS terminals, or ATMs. But gaining real-time visibility into the performance of these off-premise applications can be tricky for a number of reasons ....

January 30, 2012
Linh Ho

Last month I attended the Gartner Data Center Conference in Las Vegas. This year, the hot topic was not only cloud computing but seems there were a lot of discussions around DevOps and analytics. Other topics of interest included Application Performance Monitoring (APM), End-user Experience (EUE), Business Transaction Management (BTM), Big Data and many more around IT operations. Take a peek at the few bits and bites I picked up ...

January 20, 2012
Aruna Ravichandran
CA Technologies

For your organization to grow its market share, your mobile apps must run faster and better than those of your competitors. That means Ops has a major role to play in the mobile revolution. But if you want to be successful, get involved long before it’s time to start monitoring ...

January 13, 2012
Sasha Gilenson

Today's IT infrastructure, systems and applications — as well as the business operations they support — are more complex than ever. Subsequently, this means that the amount of configuration information in IT environments is staggering. Ensuring high performance for IT environment requires staying on top of an ever growing collection of configuration information and environment content ...

January 12, 2012
Scott Edwards

If you could forecast potential issues in your data center, what would it mean to you? Would advance warning technology be useful? If you could be notified early of an impending problem, would it benefit your business?

January 09, 2012
Arun Balachandran

Today's businesses increasingly use software applications that run in a wide variety of environments, everything from physical to virtual to cloud. As organizations look for ways to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and increase scalability, cloud computing and virtualization are playing a vital part in their IT strategies. However, these new technologies also present new challenges for organizations in the areas of application monitoring and application performance ...

January 08, 2012
Vikas Aggarwal

Recession, viewed positively, boosted innovation and increased the pace of new process development and its adoption. The IT customer is increasingly global, the realm of the IT services grows larger every day and the sprawling, distributed IT components demand intelligent ways to manage and monitor this infrastructure ...

January 05, 2012
Sonja Hickey

2012 Prediction: The number of mobile applications offered by companies will increase by a factor of 10 in the year 2012!
