Vendor Forum
The first word in APM technology is "Application" ... yet for mobile, apps are entirely different. As the mobile app ecosystem is evolving and expanding from pure entertainment to more utilitarian uses, there's a rising need for the next generation of APM technology to stay ahead of the issues that can cause apps to fail ...
For application performance monitoring (APM), many in IT tend to focus a significant amount of their time on the tool that performs the analysis. Unfortunately for them, the battle is won or lost at the data access level. If you don’t have the right data, you can’t fix the problem correctly ...
In today's competitive landscape, businesses must have the ability and process in place to face new challenges and find ways to successfully tackle them in a proactive manner. For years, this has been placed on the shoulders of DevOps teams within IT departments. But, as automation takes over manual intervention to increase speed and efficiency, these teams are facing what we know as IT digitization. How has this changed the way companies function over the years, and what do we have to look forward to in the coming years? ...
When it comes to network visibility, there are a lot of discussions about packet broker technology and the various features these solutions provide to network architects and IT managers. Packet brokers allow organizations to aggregate the data required for a variety of monitoring solutions including network performance monitoring and diagnostic (NPMD) platforms and unified threat management (UTM) appliances. But, when it comes to ensuring these solutions provide the insights required by NetOps and security teams, IT can spend an exorbitant amount of time dealing with issues around adds, moves and changes. This can have a dramatic impact on budgets and tool availability. Why does this happen? ...
Data may be pouring into enterprises but IT professionals still find most of it stuck in siloed departments and weeks away from being able to drive any valued action. Coupled with the ongoing concerns over security responsiveness, IT teams have to push aside other important performance-oriented data in order to ensure security data, at least, gets prominent attention. A new survey by Ivanti shows the disconnect between enterprise departments struggling to improve operations like automation while being challenged with a siloed structure and a data onslaught ...
A subtle, deliberate shift has occurred within the software industry which, at present, only the most innovative organizations have seized upon for competitive advantage. Although primarily driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), this transformation strikes at the core of the most pervasive IT resources including cloud computing and predictive analytics ...
When asked who is mandated with developing and delivering their organization's digital competencies, 51% of respondents say their IT departments have a leadership role. The critical question is whether IT departments are prepared to take on a leadership role in which collaborating with other functions and disseminating knowledge and digital performance data are requirements ...
The Economist Intelligence Unit just released a new study commissioned by Riverbed that explores nine digital competencies that help organizations improve their digital performance and, ultimately, achieve their objectives. Here's a brief summary of 7 key research findings you'll find covered in detail in the report ...
IT practitioners are still in experimentation mode with artificial intelligence in many cases, and still have concerns about how credible the technology can be. A recent study from OpsRamp targeted these IT managers who have implemented AIOps, and among other data, reports on the primary concerns of this new approach to operations management ...
NVMe storage's strong performance, combined with the capacity and data availability benefits of shared NVMe storage over local SSD, makes it a strong solution for AI / ML infrastructures of any size. There are several AI / ML focused use cases to highlight ...
Using local SSDs inside of the GPU node delivers fast access to data during training, but introduces challenges that impact the overall solution in terms of scalability, data access and data protection ...
With storage performance now recognized as a critical component of AI/ML application performance, the next step is to identify the ideal storage platform. Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) based storage systems have gained traction as the storage media of choice to deliver the best throughput and latency. Shared NVMe storage systems unlock the performance of NVMe, and offer a strong alternative to using local NVMe SSDs inside of GPU nodes ...
Incident management is a massive part of the SRE’s job description, with 49 percent indicating they have worked on at least one incident within the last week, and 92 percent reporting they routinely work on up to five incidents per week. Approximately 50 percent reported having worked on an incident lasting longer than one day, according to a survey from Catchpoint ...
The world may soon see something unprecedented when it comes to our interconnected, Internet-driven daily life. One country, Russia, will attempt to "turn off" its Internet, scheduled to happen in the very near future ...
APM is important regardless of what platform you run your applications on. However, cloud environments can be particularly difficult for two reasons. First, there is an attitude that everything is taken care of for you. While some functions are taken care of for you, other functions will be "add-ons" that you need to purchase and append to your cloud instance ...