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Infographic: Cost of Performance Issues

Kevin Goldberg

We all know performance issues — application crashes, stalls, slow downs, etc. — can hurt our business and reputation. However, how can we put an exact dollar amount to these issues, and are other companies experiencing the same problems? Surely Fortune 500 companies can’t afford to have performance issues, right?

Wrong. Everyone experiences issues, it’s about limiting these problems and resolving them as quickly as possible to curb the impact to your bottom line.

99% uptime, or more commonly known as “two nines” in the IT world, still means you’re down over three and a half days per year. If one of those days happened to be Cyber Monday or another peak period, Amazon, Walmart, or Best Buy would definitely be able to see the actual cost and consequences of performance issues.

So we decided to do some research and create this infographic around the prevalence of performance issues and how they impact the bottom line. What we found might surprise you:

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Kevin Goldberg is the Content Marketing Manager at AppDynamics.

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Infographic: Cost of Performance Issues

Kevin Goldberg

We all know performance issues — application crashes, stalls, slow downs, etc. — can hurt our business and reputation. However, how can we put an exact dollar amount to these issues, and are other companies experiencing the same problems? Surely Fortune 500 companies can’t afford to have performance issues, right?

Wrong. Everyone experiences issues, it’s about limiting these problems and resolving them as quickly as possible to curb the impact to your bottom line.

99% uptime, or more commonly known as “two nines” in the IT world, still means you’re down over three and a half days per year. If one of those days happened to be Cyber Monday or another peak period, Amazon, Walmart, or Best Buy would definitely be able to see the actual cost and consequences of performance issues.

So we decided to do some research and create this infographic around the prevalence of performance issues and how they impact the bottom line. What we found might surprise you:

Image removed.

Kevin Goldberg is the Content Marketing Manager at AppDynamics.

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