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Is Your Application Environment Poised for Growth?

Charley Rich

Many businesses are struggling today under the weight of their IT business applications. The business cannot survive without the applications that enable the essential tasks of business—keeping accurate inventories, processing payments, handling orders, to name just a few. While the activities may be the same as they were hundreds of years ago, the volume at which these transactions occur is too vast for any mind to comprehend.

The sheer volume of transactions handled by a retail store with multiple locations requires the aid of technology. Sales in one location changes information across the entire IT empire. What happens if an application stops executing? How much could that application failure cost?

- Check-out slows down.

- An item isn't in stock when it's listed on inventory.

- The price at the cash register didn't match the sale price listed in the sales flyer.

How do you measure the money you've lost when customers who walk out of the store without making a purchase because they don't want to wait to reach the cashier? How do you measure the loss of customer confidence in dollars?

When you lose a customer because they travelled across town to the second store only to find their trip was wasted, there's no way to put a price tag on that loss. If your IT team is still scrambling to figure out what caused the application failure that caused these different problems, your application environment is not poised for growth.

If you want IT to grow your business, you must first get your application environment under control. Then IT must move into a position where it is proactive in managing the application environment. There is one guaranteed way to accomplish both these goals for growth. Install an application performance management solution that increases the intelligence of all your existing monitoring tools.

It's a simple solution and a cost-saving solution as well. You eliminate a tremendous amount of stealth waste. And it is a income-growing solution. APM empowers your IT resources to stop draining the coffers and start adding to them.

Are you ready for your application environment to grow your business?

Charley Rich is VP Product Management and Marketing at Nastel Technologies.

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Is Your Application Environment Poised for Growth?

Charley Rich

Many businesses are struggling today under the weight of their IT business applications. The business cannot survive without the applications that enable the essential tasks of business—keeping accurate inventories, processing payments, handling orders, to name just a few. While the activities may be the same as they were hundreds of years ago, the volume at which these transactions occur is too vast for any mind to comprehend.

The sheer volume of transactions handled by a retail store with multiple locations requires the aid of technology. Sales in one location changes information across the entire IT empire. What happens if an application stops executing? How much could that application failure cost?

- Check-out slows down.

- An item isn't in stock when it's listed on inventory.

- The price at the cash register didn't match the sale price listed in the sales flyer.

How do you measure the money you've lost when customers who walk out of the store without making a purchase because they don't want to wait to reach the cashier? How do you measure the loss of customer confidence in dollars?

When you lose a customer because they travelled across town to the second store only to find their trip was wasted, there's no way to put a price tag on that loss. If your IT team is still scrambling to figure out what caused the application failure that caused these different problems, your application environment is not poised for growth.

If you want IT to grow your business, you must first get your application environment under control. Then IT must move into a position where it is proactive in managing the application environment. There is one guaranteed way to accomplish both these goals for growth. Install an application performance management solution that increases the intelligence of all your existing monitoring tools.

It's a simple solution and a cost-saving solution as well. You eliminate a tremendous amount of stealth waste. And it is a income-growing solution. APM empowers your IT resources to stop draining the coffers and start adding to them.

Are you ready for your application environment to grow your business?

Charley Rich is VP Product Management and Marketing at Nastel Technologies.

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