The APM Blog

August 13, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

At the Grand Canyon there are many places where you can walk right up to a cliff where, with one more step, you will fall hundreds of feet to your death. The closer you are to the edge of a cliff, the more precisely you need to know your location. In your campsite, a half-mile away, your exact location is not so life-critical. This is also true in performance work ...

August 12, 2013
Pete Goldin

Websites for the top 500 US retailers continue to slow down, a 13.7% drop since Spring 2012 ...

August 05, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

Back when I used to work in a product testing lab, one of my favorite things to do was to fire up a piece of network testing hardware and put a network under extreme traffic conditions ...

July 31, 2013
Pete Goldin

While 93 percent of the businesses acknowledge the criticality of optimizing application performance across their data centers and networks, three-quarters of them do not feel they are achieving required performance levels, according to a survey of 412 European data center managers by LSI Corporation ...

July 29, 2013
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

APM may be brought in to help resuscitate an application that has recently become lethargic or assist the team in rehabilitating an intrinsic codebase. Once the goal is attained however, the propensity to pigeonhole APM as point solution is high ...

July 27, 2013
Pete Goldin

SolarWinds has released a new video in celebration of the sysadmin ...

July 25, 2013
Gabriel Lowy

With the proliferation of composite applications for cloud and mobility, monitoring individual components of the application delivery chain is no longer an effective way to assure user experience. IT organizations must evolve toward a holistic, more collaborative methodology based on a service-delivery principle that is more aligned with corporate strategy ...

July 24, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

At some point you will have done your analysis, found the root of the performance problem, presented your results, and now it is time to figure out how to fix the problem. Like there are many paths to the top of a mountain, there are often many possible solutions to a given problem ...

July 23, 2013
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

While defining strategies for cloud, mobile, social and big data, IT leaders must not drop the ball in retaining customers that are now experiencing your company’s current applications. Don’t let cumulative degradation chase off your customers ...

July 22, 2013
Pete Goldin

IT teams have limited confidence in gaining application visibility, with over 34% of IT professionals expecting to see a shooting star before seeing real-time application activity, according to a survey by ExtraHop Networks ...

July 17, 2013
Pete Goldin

The increase in mobile device usage among consumers has resulted in network challenges for businesses of all types and sizes. Here are five immediate actions that companies can take to prepare their websites and applications for mobile device access ...

July 11, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

Capacity planning is the simple science of scaling the observed system so you can see if you have enough resources to handle the projected peak load, but it only works for resources you know about ...

July 09, 2013
Dennis Drogseth

The EMA report Ecosystem Cloud: Managing and Optimizing IT Services Across the Full Cloud Mosaic is complete. In mid May I wrote a column making predictions about the results, which were just then beginning to come in. I made eleven bets about the results. Here is the list as I assessed it ...

July 01, 2013
Pete Goldin

When employees can safely and quickly choose the best technologies the world has to offer, businesses are empowered to create, communicate, collaborate, innovate, execute, compete and win, according to a new global survey from Blue Coat Systems ...

June 26, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

The history of application performance management (APM) starts with the World Wide Web ...

June 17, 2013
Bob Wescott
The Every Computer Performance Book

When the load on any application climbs to a certain point the slowest part of the transaction path will limit application throughput. Response time will increase. Users will be unhappy ... When the load is high, all transactions race through the well provisioned parts of the system only to find an ever-increasing delay as they wait for slowest part of the transaction path. There are lots of potential bottleneck points in any transaction path, but only one at a time is your current bottleneck ...

June 14, 2013
Pete Goldin

Exponential growth in the use of smart devices has led to significant and increased demand for bandwidth across 84 per cent of organizations surveyed globally, according to new research commissioned by BT and Cisco ...

June 12, 2013
Pete Goldin

Nearly 40 percent of line of business (LOB) and IT executives surveyed indicated “operational resilience” systems signify business and IT services that are always on and available, according to survey results published in an IDC White Paper, sponsored by SunGard Availability Services, Lack of Operational Resilience Will Undermine Enterprise Competitiveness: A Strategy for Availability ...

June 06, 2013
Pete Goldin

Cloud solutions accelerate business results, according to Collaborating in the Cloud, a Forbes Insights, Cisco-sponsored study examining the ways business leaders increasingly look at cloud collaboration as a way to increase productivity, accelerate business results and enhance innovation and collaboration across borders and functions ...

June 03, 2013
Pete Goldin

Customer experience (CX) is a more powerful customer loyalty driver than price-value perception, specifically for banks and retailers, according to new Forrester research ...
