System Administrators (SysAdmins) are every organization’s unsung heroes. Whether it’s diagnosing performance bottlenecks or preventing data loss, application downtime, service outages and more, SysAdmins keep data centers running and work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep all the technology modern businesses have come to rely so heavily upon running smoothly. As the SysAdmin role continues to evolve with the growth of hyperconvergence, hybrid IT, cloud computing and containers among other new technology trends, so too do the challenges these unsung heroes must overcome 24/7.
To celebrate System Administrator Appreciation Day 2016 and honor SysAdmins everywhere for all the times they’ve come to rescue when “the Internet” was down (and thousands of other emergencies), SolarWinds has developed these e-cards as a fun way to say “thank you.” And, if you’re not a SysAdmin, be sure to send them to your favorite SysAdmin hero today!
Kong Yang is a Head Geek at SolarWinds.