The APM Blog

February 05, 2014
Pete Goldin

Nearly 50% of consumers will delete a mobile app if they encounter a bug, according to a survey conducted SmartBear ...

February 03, 2014
Pete Goldin

Organizations are creating, accessing and using more sources and types of information than ever before. This trend, combined with the increasing need to understand how data is being used within a company, is driving the need for chief data officers (CDOs). Gartner predicts that by 2015, 25 percent of large global organizations will have appointed CDOs ...

January 17, 2014
J. Rakowski

IT Analytics is a main topic of conversation in many of the monitoring and APM briefings and inquiries that I have taken part in last year. If you are reviewing solutions or looking to make decisions in regards to your analytics strategy then here are some points to take into consideration based on solutions I have seen ...

January 10, 2014
Pete Goldin

Network speed deeply impacts consumers at every phase of the transaction process, particularly users of mobile devices, according to a new report by Radware ...

January 07, 2014
Pete Goldin

Maybe it's too early to call it but I think 2014 really could be The Year of APM ...

January 03, 2014
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

APM now comes with a paparazzi of peddlers trying to sell you something, and hucksters who are preaching how to reach the promised land of performance through marketing glossies ...

December 18, 2013
Pete Goldin

I am proud to say that the reaction to our list of APM predictions has been great this year. All of our experts had a week to send me their predictions but many of them sent their input within a day or two of the request. Everyone is anxious and excited to talk about what they think APM has in store for 2014, and I would say this is indicative of the type of year we can expect to have in this industry next year ...

December 13, 2013
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

Application Performance Mindset is not a tool or process; rather it's a thought perspective leading to the conclusion that customers demand – having moved past expectation to intolerance – exceptionally high performing, always-on, easy to access, smooth navigating applications. Whether internal customers are using enterprise applications or external customers are hitting the company website, the demand remains and it's a business challenge that the CIO and IT team must meet ...

December 06, 2013
Pete Goldin

Despite clear recognition of the business need, most IT and marketing organizations are still a long way off from true collaboration, according to a new Forrester study ...

December 02, 2013
J. Rakowski

I believe that the foundation to good business technology management is your monitoring strategy, and a couple of weeks ago my report Guarantee Business Value From Technology Monitoring went live on Forrester’s website. The report outlines a blueprint for holistic business technology monitoring based on my own practitioner experience in this space plus a number of primary research interviews that I carried out in July and August this year ...

November 22, 2013
Pete Goldin

Apps are not being monitored due to expense, time, and difficulty, and end-to-end and unified coverage are lacking, according to a new CopperEgg survey of 150 IT professionals. Check out the Infographic ...

November 18, 2013
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

Predicting the performance perils from application deployments requires more than just a toolset, but a mindset that is open to multiple inputs and continuous improvement. Acquiring an appreciation for an application monitoring taxonomy will be useful when gathering end user requirements for an APM implementation. Understanding the nuances between active and passive monitoring within this paradigm will help facilitate a more focused approach for technology selection ...

November 13, 2013
Pete Goldin

Mobile users are unhappy with mobile site performance status quo and are increasingly demanding on mobile experience expectations, according to Radware's latest report, 2013 State of the Union: Mobile Ecommerce Performance ...

November 08, 2013
Dennis Drogseth

In my last column, I discussed the importance of Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping (ADDM) as a tremendously valuable resource for managing and optimizing application and business services, as well as the IT infrastructures, and supporting them, in the age of cloud, agile, and consumer-driven IT. In this column, I'm going to delve more closely into our evaluation criteria — as they applied to the radar, but also as they might apply to you in making an investment choice in ADDM ...

November 06, 2013
Julie Craig

Don’t get me wrong, this isn't a political statement. Applications don't care if you are a Republican or a Democrat. They don't care if they were created in Canada or India, or if they are written in Ruby, Java or .NET. And the bottom line is that I don't care either — because the real problem behind the site's performance problems is dead simple — lack of testing ...

October 31, 2013
Pete Goldin

To celebrate Halloween, Empirix has published a clever infographic: Things That Go Bump in the Network ...

October 30, 2013
Pete Goldin

Out of 100 network engineers and IT directors surveyed by WildPackets, 92 percent have 10G networks or higher, with network visibility and network forensics being the biggest challenge at this speed ...

October 25, 2013
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

During his keynote speech at the recent Interop 2013 conference in New York, Cisco CEO John Chambers talked about how technology trends are moving towards a focus on applications. Chambers said: We're moving from a web economy to an application economy ...

October 21, 2013
Pete Goldin

Websites for the top 500 US retailers are still too slow and continue to get slower, according to State of the Union: Ecommerce Page Speed & Web Performance, Fall 2013, a new study by Radware ...

October 14, 2013
Pete Goldin

According to a survey by IDG Research Services, 80 percent of senior-level IT leaders place a high or critical priority on Infrastructure Performance Management and 79 percent have established a cross-domain team dedicated to managing the performance of their IT infrastructure ...
