The APM Blog

June 11, 2024
Matt Cloke

Over the past decade, the pace of technological progress has reached unprecedented levels, where fads both quickly rise and shrink in popularity. From AI and composability to augmented reality and quantum computing, the toolkit of emerging technologies is continuing to expand, creating a complex set of opportunities and challenges for businesses to address. In order to keep pace with competitors, avoiding new models and ideas is not an option. It's critical for organizations to determine whether an idea has transformative properties or is just a flash in the pan — a challenge tackled in Endava's new 2024 Emerging Tech Unpacked Report ...

May 28, 2024
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

When it comes to ensuring the effectiveness of a software application, it's paramount to ensure that the application can handle varying degrees of demand. Performance testing is a crucial aspect of the software development cycle ...

May 23, 2024
Shamus McGillicuddy

Hybrid cloud architecture is breaking the backs of network engineering and operations teams. These teams are more successful when their companies go all-in with the cloud or stay out of it entirely. When companies maintain hybrid infrastructure, with applications and data residing across data centers and public cloud services, the network team struggles. This insight emerged in the newly published 2024 edition of Enterprise Management Associates' (EMA) Network Management Megatrends research ...

May 20, 2024
Fred Fuller

Amid economic disruption, fintech competition, and other headwinds in recent years, banks have had to quickly adjust to the demands of the market. This adaptation is often reliant on having the right technology infrastructure in place ...

April 04, 2024
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Modern organizations race to launch their high-quality cloud applications as soon as possible. On the other hand, time to market also plays an essential role in determining the application's success. However, without effective testing, it's hard to be confident in the final product ...

March 21, 2024
Dennis Drogseth

In the course of EMA research over the last twelve years, the message for IT organizations looking to pursue a forward path in AIOps adoption is overall a strongly positive one. The benefits achieved are growing in diversity and value ...

March 07, 2024
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

In this digital era, consumers prefer a seamless user experience, and here, the significance of performance testing cannot be overstated. Application performance testing is essential in ensuring that your software products, websites, or other related systems operate seamlessly under varying conditions. However, the cost of poor performance extends beyond technical glitches and slow load times; it can directly affect customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Understand the tangible and intangible consequences of poor application performance and how it can affect your business ...

February 29, 2024
Bartek Roszak
STX Next

Despite the growth in popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) and ML across a number of industries, there is still a huge amount of unrealized potential, with many businesses playing catch-up and still planning how ML solutions can best facilitate processes. Further progression could be limited without investment in specialized technical teams to drive development and integration ...

February 15, 2024
Louis Ridout
Celsior Technologies

In a time where we're constantly bombarded with new buzzwords and technological advancements, it can be challenging for businesses to determine what is real, what is useful, and what they truly need. Over the years, we've witnessed the rise and fall of various tech trends, such as the promises (and fears) of AI becoming sentient and replacing humans to the declaration that data is the new oil. At the end of the day, one fundamental question remains: How can companies navigate through the tech buzz and make informed decisions for their future? ...

January 17, 2024
Matt Cloke

For businesses today, the pace of technology can often feel at odds with what’s possible in the real world. In fact, according to a research report by Endava and IDC, exactly one in four businesses still find it difficult to keep pace with developments in digital technology, with a majority (88%) reporting that 50% or less of their digital transformation projects over the last 12 months actually met expected goals and outcomes ...

January 16, 2024
Ron Williams

What's coming in operations management tooling? In a nutshell, a shift from observability to intelligent operations and the longer-term move towards AI-enabled operations in support of the business, but application performance management (APM) still has a place. Let's break these pieces down ...

January 04, 2024
Scott Likens

We designed our recent Emerging Technology Survey to help businesses navigate the evolving technology landscape. The results showed that while most corporate executives (89%) are increasing their technology budgets, only 7% are achieving value from their emerging technology investments. Executives in these organizations report significantly higher benefits from emerging tech in general, and from generative AI in particular, than their peers ...

November 29, 2023
Matt Cloke

The past few years have presented numerous challenges for businesses: a pandemic, rising interest rates, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical conflict that sent shockwaves across the global economy. But change may finally be on the horizon. According to a recent report by Endava ... a majority of executives confirmed they are feeling optimistic about the current business climate, and as a result, are forecasting larger IT budgets, increased technology funding and rollout, and prioritized innovation in the coming year ...

November 07, 2023
Bhanu Prasad Narayana
Infosys Public Services

The leaders of virtually every organization acknowledge that technology transformation is critical to the business. So why do so many top managements not get involved in IT initiatives? ...

October 25, 2023
Pete Goldin

In Part 10, the final installment of this blog series, the experts offer tips on how to get started and how to succeed using AIOps ...

October 24, 2023
Pete Goldin

Part 8 of this blog series offered expert predictions on the future of AIOps, and automated remediation was one of those future expectations. To delve deeper, APMdigest asked the experts: Is auto-remediation the ultimate goal of AIOps, and is NoOps practical or even possible?...

October 23, 2023
Pete Goldin

The future of AIOps holds significant promise and potential. As technology continues to advance, AIOps is likely to play a crucial role in reshaping the landscape of IT operations and business processes ... Overall, AIOps is poised to revolutionize how businesses manage their IT operations, making them more efficient, resilient, and customer-centric ...

October 19, 2023
Pete Goldin

In Part 7 of this blog series, the experts talk about the current state of AIOps technology ...

October 18, 2023
Pete Goldin

Although AIOps offers many advantages, the experts say it also poses challenges for IT teams ...

October 17, 2023
Pete Goldin

In Part 4 of this blog series, the experts show that AIOps offers some very compelling advantages. Part 5 covers additional expert picks for the advantages that can be gained from AIOps, especially from the business perspective ...
