Pepperdata Certified on Cloudera Data Platform
August 19, 2020
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Pepperdata has been certified on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP).

Pepperdata Enterprise Suite is now a Cloudera Certified Technology and has been tested, validated and certified to work with Cloudera Data Platform.

"Our customers are migrating to CDP to unify their data platforms. This gives them the flexibility they need to manage very complex workloads across all their platforms, both on premises and in the cloud," says Ash Munshi, CEO, Pepperdata. "Pepperdata gives them observability and automated tuning across their big data stack so they can run more applications, track spend and manage costs."

The Pepperdata solution provides real-time visibility for troubleshooting, debugging and planning and continuously tunes applications and infrastructure for optimal performance across the big data stack.

"With Cloudera Connect Technical Certifications, our partners can unlock the potential of the enterprise data cloud to drive the most valuable and transformative use cases for companies," said Gary Green, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Cloudera. "Cloudera customers can say yes to any analytic workload from the Edge to AI knowing that they will have skilled resources, business solutions, and integrations from the Cloudera partner ecosystem available to them."

CDP is a new approach to enterprise data, anywhere from the Edge to AI. By simplifying operations, it reduces the time to onboard new use cases across the organization. The platform uses machine learning to intelligently autoscale workloads up and down for more cost-effective use of cloud infrastructure. With Cloudera's Shared Data Experience (SDX), the security and governance capabilities in CDP, IT can confidently deliver secure analytics running against data anywhere. CDP manages data in any environment, including multiple public clouds, bare metal, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. The Cloudera Data Platform offers game-changing technology that lets companies harness diverse data to solve important business problems.

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