One of the main benefits from implementing a holistic APM solution is, that every stakeholder in delivering the end user experience will have the same perspective and information to base their decisions and actions on, which ensures business continuity.
No matter whether the APM data is used in SLA, diagnostics, end user analytics or continuous service improvement purposes, this “single source of truth” will give the organization the right alignment to act and perform. Many companies see up to 60-70% reduction in downtime and in business impact by using APM solutions to optimize their operations.
One of the biggest impacts to application performance is caused by companies outsourcing/subcontracting their application development outside of their company and their quality control domain. Application quality and performance needs to be built into the application platform and cannot be an afterthought or something that “we’ll fix later”.
The subpar app performance that is accepted in the development phase is bound to manifest itself in the production stage. Modern APM solutions capture this poor performance, but can’t provide the cure. The only way to prevent poor app performance is to expose your app development to the rigorous quality controls and processes early on in the application lifecycle — and actually fix them early in the cycle.
Petri Maanonen is Product Marketing Manager for HP Application Performance Management.