The APM Blog

July 12, 2012
Audrey Rasmussen

The recent cloud service outages at Amazon and grabbed the industry’s attention because of the broad customer impact caused by the outages, and the high visibility of both cloud service providers ... The real value of unfortunate events like these is the opportunity they provide to learn from them ...

July 11, 2012
Jeffrey Kaplan

The real obstacle to application optimization isn't technological, it is organizational. Application performance depends on two fundamental elements: application design and network configuration. Unfortunately, in too many organizations these two elements are responsibility of two separate and sometimes competing groups -- the application development and network operations teams ...

July 03, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

Last Fall, I wrote two blogs on BSM Analytics: What Are They? And Why Should You Care? This Summer I’m taking that idea several giant steps forward and developing what at EMA we call a “Radar” – our equivalent I suppose to a “Magic Quadrant” – to look at advanced performance analytics in context with vendor designs, deployment successes and use-case related strengths and weaknesses ...

June 22, 2012
Russell Rothstein
IT Central Station

I was struck by the title of a recent blog post, Customer as Enemy, by Gartner Research Director Aneel Lakhani ...

June 21, 2012
Zubair Aleem

We have recently been involved in a mobile telecom company in the Far East. The Board's biggest issue is to grow its revenue by selling data packages. And at first glance this may not seem an obvious problem to solve using application performance management but let me explain how ...

June 12, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

Back in March I wrote a blog entitled "The Many Dimensions of User Experience Management", in which I suggested that UEM was not in any way just a subset of APM or application performance management, but part of a larger continuum inclusive of business impact, user productivity and even portfolio planning ...

June 07, 2012
Matthew Burrows

There is a trend towards Cloud and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) offerings for Service Management tools ... One of the key advantages outlined by the tools vendors is the ability to get the software up and running in a matter of days or weeks, which is definitely attractive to those who normally experience projects which take 6-12 months to do this ...

June 04, 2012
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

This blog is the corollary to The Anatomy of APM which outlines four foundational elements of a successful APM strategy: Top Down Monitoring, Bottom Up Monitoring, Reporting, and Incident Management. Here I provide a deeper context on how the event-to-incident flow is structured ...

May 22, 2012
Julie Craig

My latest research found that only about 65% of "commercial enterprise management products" purchased are currently in use -- the rest are languishing on a shelf somewhere, just waiting to be dusted off and deployed. Here are a few tips to ensure that your purchases don't end up in a back room collecting dust ...

May 17, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

On May 8, 2012, EMA announced that it was combining my Business Service Management practice with Julie Craig’s Application Management practice – into the newly unified practice area Application and Business Services ...

May 11, 2012
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

When rolling out an Application Performance Management (APM) solution, selection of your Manager of Managers (MoM) and how it will support the overall solution is critical ...

April 24, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

If you're an IT executive trying to take control of your environment and optimize it for business outcomes — you're likely to be getting a lot of advice from a wide range of glib sources, and very little actual support ...

April 20, 2012
Matthew Burrows

The typical procurement approach, reducing everything down to a common level so they can compare "apples with apples", is very understandable because it makes selection easier. But this approach runs the risk of killing any opportunity for innovation ...

April 18, 2012
Michael Azoff

In a large data center, an application performance management (APM) solution can generate thousands of metric data points per second. This data avalanche will contain the health information about the IT environment and the challenge is to manage the sheer scale of this data ...

April 17, 2012
Audrey Rasmussen

“Analytics”, according to IT vendors, can save time, money and improve decision-making. Unfortunately, “analytics” is being thrown around generically by vendors in many different contexts, representing a wide range of capabilities that are as different as polar bears and Amazonian ants. As a result, “analytics” has become ambiguous and poorly defined ...

April 10, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

A strong core alignment with the right vendor can potentially help to prepare you for both the cultural and the technical challenges inherent in cloud with some level of cohesiveness. So here are a few things — in a master check list – if you are seeking a Virgil to lead you through Dante's Cloudy Inferno ...

April 05, 2012
Jeffrey Kaplan

"We've really graduated from the spreadsheet. Today's organizations need to respond much more quickly to market conditions. That means putting more information in the hands of more people in a organization. It's not just an issue of getting information to a few data analysts who are going to interact with the data warehouse." Sound familiar?

April 04, 2012
Larry Dragich
Technology Executive

By embracing End-User-Experience (EUE) measurements as a key vehicle for demonstrating productivity, you build trust with your constituents in a very tangible way. The translation of IT metrics into business meaning (value) is what APM is all about. The goal here is to simplify a complicated technology space by walking through a high-level view within each core element. I’m suggesting that the success factors in APM adoption center around the EUE and the integration touch points with the Incident Management process ...

March 23, 2012
Dennis Drogseth

User Experience Management (UEM) continues to capture interest in the marketplace. And yet it remains somewhat elusive ... A major investment bank graciously invited me to an interactive session at the Boston Harbor Hotel ... So I thought I’d reprise some of my thoughts from the Q&A for you who couldn’t attend ...

March 22, 2012
Michael Azoff

Application Performance Management (APM) is currently going through a revitalization following cloud and DevOps technology evolutions (possibly revolutions), as well as innovation in areas such as analytics and real-time monitoring, so it is timely to define exactly what is meant by the term ...
