Compuware APM Offers Hadoop Performance Optimization
October 17, 2012
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Compuware Corporation announced pricing for its deep transaction management solution for optimizing performance of Apache Hadoop applications - Compuware APM’s dynaTrace Enterprise for Hadoop will be offered starting at just $1,000 per Hadoop Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Applications using Hadoop MapReduce suffer from many of the performance challenges and bottlenecks that plague current distributed applications, though the volume of performance data can be much larger. Optimizing compute and data distribution across nodes, assuring job execution efficiency, identifying I/O bottlenecks, tuning CPU and memory consumption amongst thousands of nodes requires deep insight into the Hadoop environment.

With its patented PurePath Technology, Compuware dynaTrace Enterprise provides visibility into Hadoop applications and supports these highly scalable, elastic environments in several unique ways:

- Zero-Configuration Instrumentation: Out-of-the-box dashboards for 100 percent deep visibility into Hadoop MapReduce performance, with no code changes required and easy to deploy and manage.

- One-Click Hotspot Analysis: Faster mean-time-to-resolve (MTTR) with one-click hotspot analysis of MapReduce jobs, including long-running and highly distributed jobs. See root cause in minutes instead of hours or days.

- Automated Performance Analytics: Optimize Hadoop environments and save costs with deep insight into how MapReduce jobs consume resources, scale across cluster and automated performance analytics from the task-level down to individual method execution times.

- Correlated Cluster Health Monitoring: Monitor Hadoop cluster overall and down to individual machines as well as monitor CPU, memory, disk, I/O and garbage collection to detect and correlate system health to job performance. Proactively fix issues before they impact SLAs.

- Automatic MapReduce Error Correlation With Job, Task and Method level Detail: For faster MTTR than any other approach in the market.

“The market for Hadoop applications is exploding,” said John Van Siclen, General Manager of Compuware’s APM business unit. “Our Hadoop customers seek a new generation APM approach that goes beyond log-file analysis and point tools. They expect an APM system that’s built for the Hadoop architecture, supports dynamic, elastic environments out-of-the-box, and is easy to deploy and use. Additionally, customers need this APM system to be affordable for the highly scalable Hadoop environments they run. We believe dynaTrace Enterprise, coupled with our pricing model, will accelerate the growth of the Hadoop market – making highly optimized, highly tuned Hadoop implementations much easier to achieve.”

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