There has been a significant increase in the number or companies leveraging hybrid IT— or the ability to burst to the public cloud to meet fluctuating computing and business requirements, according to ScienceLogic's Hybrid IT survey results from IT departments at more than 1,200 global organizations. Most reported great business benefit from having done so.
The survey also reveals that while adoption is exploding and investment increasing, most enterprises are unable to monitor and control the accompanying sprawl, lack hybrid IT management skills, and do not have proper visibility into their clouds — all resulting in significant infrastructure availability and performance risk.
Survey Highlights:
■ 81% of companies are using public clouds today, to establish a hybrid environment.
■ 72% of those companies using public clouds expect to increase their cloud spending over the next year.
■ 1 of every 3 enterprises report that they don’t have the capacity today to monitor their hybrid infrastructures. For this survey set, that represents $300 billion in value of IT assets, equivalent to the current GDP of Hong Kong.
■ 62% are flying blind, with little visibility into their hybrid IT.
■ 72% don’t have historical reference and information on their performance, to predict the future.
■ 1 of every 3 are not adequately trained and skilled to manage hybrid environments.
■ 40% of companies using public clouds today do not know what corporate assets are currently residing in the cloud.