ExtraHop Introduces New Packet Capture Method
November 08, 2012
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ExtraHop Networks announced a new policy-based, precision packet-capture method.

With the new solution, IT operations teams can identify root causes of errors and suspicious activity much faster with a concise and relevant packet capture of the exact offending application flow, while avoiding the storage requirements, complex identification, and high costs that characterize legacy packet capture techniques.

“Packet capture is a tried-and-true method of analyzing the root cause of network and application issues,” said Will Cappelli, Gartner Research Vice President. “However, traditional packet-capture tools are simply too cumbersome and expensive to handle the growing volume and speed of datacenter networks. For packet capture to remain a viable solution for IT operations, performance monitoring vendors need to enable a new, different approach that is more precise and intelligent.”

The ExtraHop method of policy-based, precision packet capture is unique and made possible by the full-stream reassembly and high-speed, real-time processing of the ExtraHop system.

With ExtraHop, IT Operations teams can surgically capture the right packets at the right time:

- Passive, real-time approach. The ExtraHop system passively processes application and network traffic in real-time, performing full-stream reassembly for millions of flows.

- Customizable for every environment with AI Triggers. Using Application Inspection Triggers (AI Triggers) technology, IT teams can set a policy for anomalous or suspicious events they would like to capture.

- Surgical precision for accurate analysis. When an event such as an application error, a malformed request, or suspicious file access occurs, ExtraHop automatically records the packets for the application and network flow that preceded and caused that event.

- Instant replay to save money and time. For the first time, IT operations teams have an exact replay of what caused a particular error or slowdown immediately after an event, saving considerable money and time.

“Finding a problem in a small packet capture is hard. Finding a problem in a large packet capture is like looking for a snowflake in an avalanche,” said Jesse Rothstein, ExtraHop CEO. “Using Application Inspection Triggers and precision packet capture, IT teams can detect an event and go back in time to record just the packets that are of interest. Much like the flux capacitor, our packet buffer is what makes time travel possible, enabling ExtraHop to provide the operational intelligence that IT teams need to drive down costs, increase productivity, and keep services running smoothly."

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