Christmas is a time to be with family and friends, not a network problem. However, according to the latest survey from Ipswitch Network Management Division, 46 percent of IT pros will be on-call this holiday season and nearly one in three have experienced a major network outage during prior holiday seasons, demonstrating that the biggest Scrooge of the season for IT pros is the network itself.
According to Ipswitch's survey of 116 IT professionals, common problems employees experience over Christmas and New Year's include:
- inability to access the network remotely (51 percent)
- poor application performance (26 percent)
- forgotten passwords (17 percent).
Additionally, more than half of all IT pros surveyed (56 percent) will be thinking about work when off the clock.
“Even the holidays can't provide a brief respite for many hardworking IT pros,” said Ennio Carboni, president and general manager at the Ipswitch Network Management Division. “Networks are like Ebenezer Scrooge, they just don’t care if it's Christmas. Be sure to thank your hardworking IT pro this holiday season, as they may be giving up downtime with friends and family to make sure your networks have uptime.”
Looking ahead to 2014, respondents' New Year's Resolutions included:
- spending less time dealing with network problems (56 percent)
- increasing IT security measures (33 percent)
- addressing network problems related to BYOD (11 percent)
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Ennio Carboni is President and General Manager of Ipswitch's Network Management Division.