While Application Performance Management (APM) has traditionally monitored and managed the performance and availability of software applications, mobility is forcefully transforming the expectations of the end user and disrupting the marketplace. Failing and low performing mobile, web and SaaS-based applications drive users to seek alternatives – resulting in lost revenue, lost employee productivity, and lost business efficiencies. It is no longer sufficient to monitor the performance and availability of backend systems; businesses must focus on the entire digital end user experience.
APM tools must evolve to focus on the problems that users and customers are seeing from their perspective and give insight as to how to continuously diagnose and correct the digital user experience for them. In order to do this, application teams will need an APM tool that cuts through the service tiers. The tool must be able to analyze and correlate issues from the users’ clicks or swipes to the service code execution in order to diagnose any issues along the way – down to the line of code and log messagees. This new APM must also use analytical algorithms to understand the system’s behavior and predict problems and failures before they occur.
Because user experience is the new service level agreement standard, businesses must arm themselves with APM tools that natively provide end-to-end visibility into user experience across mobile, web and e-commerce platforms, monitoring and analyzing API calls, runtime environments, and business transactions in the context of user actions and their devices.
Monica Benjamin is Director of Product Marketing at HPE Software.