
June 23, 2014

APMdigest rounds out the list with some final thoughts on the many valuable tools available – beyond what is technically categorized as APM – to support the goals of improving application performance and business service ...

June 11, 2014

The 2010 FIFA World Cup fever tested the Internet’s limits more than ever before. News site traffic reached a blistering 12.1 million visitors per minute. DevOps will be conducting some pretty rigorous testing to ensure their channels can hold up under what could be another record-breaking moment of traffic in Internet history. But, will this be enough?

June 06, 2014

Although the exact role and responsibilities of DevOps may not be defined across the board, it has to be able to rapidly deal with issues rising from the code and from the connection between the code and production environment. These responsibilities may include release management, configuration management, and dealing with problems (bugs) that find their way to the production environment. In this blog, I will focus on the latter and examine the tools and methods that can help expedite this process in order to cope with these continuous changes ...

June 03, 2014

As enterprises embrace the DevOps philosophy, and the coalescence of the Development and Operations continues, I foresee the conditions ripening to foster innovative methods of making application performance better and code deployments smoother. To me, the argument that system monitoring is just a “nice to have” and not really a core requirement for operational readiness dissipates quickly when a critical application goes down with no warning ...

May 05, 2014

Optimizing application development and maintenance (ADM) can cut costs by more than 50 percent, according to research by Gartner ...

April 17, 2014

In my previous blog, CMDB System Use Cases - Part One, I discussed use cases such as Change Impact Management and Change Automation, and Asset Management and Financial Optimization. In this follow-up blog I cover two more CMDB use cases ...

April 09, 2014

For IT organizations and businesses as a whole, there's tremendous pressure to deliver innovative mobile apps to market faster with a best-in-class user experience that boosts employee productivity or enhances customer engagement. The trickledown effect is this puts pressure on developers and architects to shorten application lifecycles in order to deliver these applications quicker ...

March 12, 2014

You've probably seen a couple of statistics that support of service-centric mapping: 80% of unplanned business service downtime is due to change, and that more than 50% of unplanned downtime is the result of human error ...

March 05, 2014

My top level advice is that during 2014, I&O has to concentrate on monitoring business technology which serves external customers. In fact this is not just a call for I&O professionals but also the rest of the business including marketing and eBusiness professionals. Why? Well just take a look at the near weekly media reports on "computer glitches" during 2013. These glitches meant lost revenue but more seriously impacted the brand image. Technology fuels business and this means that monitoring has to be a strategic business concern. So to avoid your company being the next computer glitch headline you should ...

February 13, 2014

How high are mobile user's expectations? According to this new SmartBear research, 50% of mobile consumers will delete a mobile app after encountering a single bug. One bug could lose a customer forever – and maybe a few of their friends! More than a third of consumers will report a bug on a public forum, to the app provider or to their peers. For app developers and testers, this is a dangerous statistic ...

February 11, 2014

Development teams love change. They're incented to push boundaries and respond to shifting circumstances. Operations teams not so much. Their job is to control change and mitigate risk so it doesn't undermine the stability and reliability of business ...

February 05, 2014

Nearly 50% of consumers will delete a mobile app if they encounter a bug, according to a survey conducted SmartBear ...

January 16, 2014

CA Technologies announced its top five IT predictions for 2014 ...

January 15, 2014

AppDynamics announced our 2014 predictions for the enterprise software market ...

December 27, 2013

In 2014, we will see further synergies between and APM SaaS and DevOps to a create delivery model that will allow for rapid deployment, rapid development cycles (days instead of weeks and months), and ultimately - continuous delivery ...

December 20, 2013

Compuware Corporation announced its top technology predictions for 2014 ...

December 17, 2013

In APMdigest's highly popular and well-respected annual list of APM predictions, industry experts - from analysts and consultants to users and the top vendors - offer thoughtful, insightful, and sometimes controversial predictions on how Application Performance Management (APM) will evolve and impact business in 2014 ...

December 05, 2013

Recent data on the world's fastest 4G LTE network speeds places the USA 8th. Some will use this as an excuse for the poor performance of their mobile applications and why they fail to meet user expectations. For a majority, however, this information confirms what they have always known: the network was never and will never be the answer to better performance ...

November 11, 2013

With the holidays rapidly approaching, the top goal of many online retailers and e-commerce companies is delivering superior online experiences that drive conversions. This should come as no surprise, with eMarketer predicting United States e-commerce revenues to increase about 15.1 percent year-over-year during the prime holiday shopping months of November and December. Here are the top five must-have e-commerce features that can help you grow your business this holiday season ...

November 06, 2013

Don’t get me wrong, this isn't a political statement. Applications don't care if you are a Republican or a Democrat. They don't care if they were created in Canada or India, or if they are written in Ruby, Java or .NET. And the bottom line is that I don't care either — because the real problem behind the site's performance problems is dead simple — lack of testing ...

October 10, 2013

Today’s mobile-connected consumers have more power of choice than ever before and a digital loudspeaker with which to make their voices heard. And they have four big demands: newer, faster, cheaper, and better. For these reasons, application development is at the core of delivering the kind of enhanced customer experience and brand loyalty that can set a business apart from the competition and increase sales ...

August 27, 2013

The goal of every software developer and tester is to produce applications that meet user expectations and achieve business objectives. Standing in their way is the need to understand and predict the production environment and how real-world end users will experience the application ...

July 29, 2013

APM may be brought in to help resuscitate an application that has recently become lethargic or assist the team in rehabilitating an intrinsic codebase. Once the goal is attained however, the propensity to pigeonhole APM as point solution is high ...

May 21, 2013

DevOps emerged as a philosophy for bridging the gap between operations and development silos, where each focused on different priorities, using different processes and tools. This article will focus on some key challenges existing in the DevOps approach — challenges that leave operations to wade through overwhelming amounts of operational data — and how new analytics-based tools stand to provide insight into meaningful information, ultimately closing this gap, and putting development and operations into better synch ...

April 24, 2013

What if your mission-critical app is not designed to last? What if your app is perishable with a shelf life of only a few hours or days? With these apps, traditional monitoring and remediation become irrelevant. The app will expire before it can be fixed. But, that doesn't mean that perishable apps are fated to be poor performing and unsatisfying. Proper planning, testing, and additional resources can keep your perishable apps from going bad ...
