
May 26, 2015

Amy DeMartine, Forrester Senior Analyst serving Infrastructure & Operations Professionals, discusses the modern service delivery cycle and her report: What Makes Modern Service Delivery Modern? ...

May 05, 2015

Companies are rapidly adopting DevOps practices to create higher-quality software faster and more efficiently to improve customer experience, lower IT costs and enhance productivity. But the key to success for software-driven businesses is delivering value with BizDevOps ...

May 01, 2015

In writing CMDB Systems: Making Change Work in the Age of Cloud and Agile, we gained a lot by talking to deployments. In the spirit of our own recommendations for how to manage and optimize a CMDB-related initiative, our goal was to learn from reality more than just preach a series of best practices. What I’ve chosen to write about here are just a few highlights, following four key areas of interest: Dialog, Communication and Stakeholder Planning; Architecture; Cloud; and Agile ...

April 29, 2015

The world we monitor has changed. This change all starts with shifts in software development, the Internet, and the expectations of end users — each evolving rapidly and because of each other. Software development has moved from one development team building end-to-end applications for a mostly homogenous set of users to many teams assembling software components into an application for a more diverse set of users. Now, they have high expectations for software performance, led by the prevalence of consumer applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, where everything is fast and mostly seamless. It is the confluence of these shifts that puts API performance front and center ...

April 23, 2015

Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders planning a bimodal IT strategy will miss out on the benefits of DevOps support for agile practices unless they transform their I&O culture, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that the implementation of a bimodal IT strategy requires careful planning and execution. Analysts predict that, by 2018, three quarters of enterprise IT organizations will have tried to create a bimodal capability, but that less than 50 percent of those will reap the benefits of improved agility and risk management. The following five-step approach will help I&O leaders achieve an agile I&O culture ...

April 15, 2015

Everyone presumably loves a good mystery. And in fact the questions “What is a CMDB?” and “What is its relevance in the age of (cloud) (agile) (fill-in-the-blank)?” often provoke such conflicted industry responses that they do suggest the presence of some mystery underfoot. But we didn’t set out to write a mystery novel per se. Instead, CMDB Systems: Making Change Work in the Age of Cloud and Agile is designed to serve as both a guide and a chronicle of real-world experiences — honoring the mystery by sharing different points of view, while trying to help our readers optimize their CMDB planning for what is increasingly becoming a positive and successful initiative ...

March 31, 2015

Yoram Mizrachi, CTO of Perfecto Mobile talks about the DevOps and Continuous Quality in mobile development ...

March 30, 2015

Yoram Mizrachi, CTO of Perfecto Mobile talks about the challenges of mobile development ...

March 09, 2015

Although DevOps emphasizes people (and culture) over tools and processes, implementation utilizes technology. As a result, Gartner, Inc. expects strong growth opportunities for DevOps toolsets, with the total for DevOps tools reaching $2.3 billion in 2015, up 21.1 percent from $1.9 billion in 2014. By 2016, DevOps will evolve from a niche strategy employed by large cloud providers to a mainstream strategy employed by 25 percent of Global 2000 organizations ...

March 06, 2015

As discussed in a previous blog, selecting the right APM for DevOps is an “EPIC” decision. Easy, Proactive, Intelligent, and Collaborative is a user-driven approach to APM focused squarely on helping ITOps teams succeed at managing application performance ...

March 04, 2015

As businesses continue to transform to digital and become software-defined by nature, the need to iterate on software releases more rapidly has driven organizations to build specialized, faster-moving teams in order to adjust the business model and execution quickly. DevOps is the resultant philosophy that brings together developers and operations teams organizationally, culturally and technically. BizDevOps is the extension of DevOps into the business ...

March 03, 2015

Enterprises are increasingly implementing a hybrid cloud strategy that encompasses public and private clouds as well as existing virtualized environments, according to the 2015 State of the Cloud Survey conducted by RightScale ...

February 27, 2015

In Part 2 of this interview, Cameron Haight, Gartner Research VP, IT Operations, discusses the focus of his research for the last few years: DevOps ...

February 26, 2015

Cameron Haight, Gartner Research VP, IT Operations, has replaced Jonah Kowall as Gartner's leading Application Performance Management (APM) specialist, since Kowall has taken a VP position at AppDynamics. In Part 1 of this interview, Cameron Haight discusses his background, and the focus of his research for the last few years: DevOps ...

February 24, 2015

A shift to continuous integration (CI) and other agile methodologies is driving a massive change in the way that development and testing professionals approach testing, according to an independent, global developer survey titled Web and Mobile Testing Trends ...

February 19, 2015

Unplanned application downtime costs the Fortune 1000 from $1.25 billion to $2.5 billion every year, according to an IDC report: DevOps and the Cost of Downtime: Fortune 1000 Best Practice Metrics Quantified. The report brings to light the real costs and impact of outages, and offers real insights into the adoption and impact of DevOps practices in large enterprises ...

February 18, 2015

For a successful application rollout, it is vital to assess the user experience appropriately and have an understanding of how the new app impacts your already deployed apps and infrastructure. This requires a great deal of preparation across various IT functions, from network to application teams. To put your team on the path to a successful rollout, take the time to consider the following points before the wide-scale launch ...

February 17, 2015

With agile and lean influencing our thinking, it’s perhaps no surprise that the impetus behind DevOps has come from development. That’s great for the speed side of the equation, but success requires that IT operations also modify their practices. This means ensuring that Application Performance Management (APM) tools and processes are not only supporting the resilience and service goals of production systems, but that they exhibit the functionality needed to help improve customer experience – even as applications are developed, tested, released and deployed. APM can accelerate the benefits of DevOps, but where do you start and what tools do you use? The tech landscape is littered with many products and services all claiming to be the secret sauce that’s going to support a DevOps-like culture. But don’t be fooled, modern APM can only accelerate DevOps when it exhibits four fundamental characteristics. Quite simply it has to be "EPIC" ...

February 16, 2015

Ensuring application performance is a never ending task that involves multiple products, features and best practices. There is no one process, feature, or product that does everything. A good place to start is pre-production and production monitoring with both an APM tool and a Unified Monitoring tool ...

February 13, 2015

APMdigest asked experts from across APM and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. This final set of six recommendations covers topics including the development environment and deployment ...

February 12, 2015

APMdigest is taking a couple weeks to focus on the development side of application performance. Most importantly this involves DevOps and the use of Application Performance Management (APM) tools during the development process.

February 12, 2015

APMdigest asked experts from across APM and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. The second set of six recommendations includes testing and analytics ...

February 11, 2015

Ensuring application performance is not just about IT operations. Prior to app rollout, the role of development and DevOps teams, and even IT Operations, in preventing application performance problems cannot be underestimated. But how do these diverse teams accomplish this goal? How do they prevent – or even identify – application performance issues before the app is even in production? With these questions in mind, APMdigest asked experts from across Application Performance Management (APM) and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. This extensive list includes processes, approaches and tools to consider.

APMdigest presents the 18 recommendations in three parts, with six categories presented each day. The first six recommendations presented here start out with development's performance basics including DevOps and APM ...

February 10, 2015

A traditional approach to mobile application development for enterprises causes friction and misalignment between developers and designers, with 50 percent of respondents saying their projects fail to lock or get approved because of user interface issues, according to Bridging the Gap: Mobile App Design and Development, a survey from Kony ...

February 09, 2015

As with anything new (or relatively new) as is the case with DevOps, enterprises are clamoring to embrace it. Why not you might say? With surveys showing impressive results and business sounding benefits, analysts giving it their blessing, and vendors touting their wares, this newest best practice is at the top of the new year’s enterprise shopping list – the top “must do” item on the 2015 list of must do’s. But like shoppers who dive feet first into a holiday or clearance sale looking for a great deal, enterprises should think carefully about what they’re actually investing in. Sure, DevOps is a great way to accelerate all the benefits from digital transformation, but there are also many pitfalls, hurdles and gotchas that could quickly turn your DevOps business “bargain” into yet another IT white elephant. Here are just a few to chew over as you look to take the wrapping off and open up the DevOps gift to your enterprise ...
