
February 02, 2015

Market demand for DevOps skills is growing, and DevOps engineers are among the highest paid IT practitioners today, according to the DevOps Salary Report ...

January 28, 2015

In APMdigest’s recent article on predictions for 2015, I gave my insight on the year: "2015 will mark a significant shift in the way that APM tools are used by IT Operations teams." I wanted to elaborate on why this shift will accelerate in 2015 ...

January 27, 2015

A DevOps strategy helps drive tangible business benefits to enterprises, according to a new study conducted by Vanson Bourne for CA Technologies. Respondents with a DevOps strategy experienced anywhere from a 14 to 21 percent improvement in business in the form of increased numbers of customers, faster time-to-market and improved quality and performance of applications ...

December 18, 2014

APMdigest's annual list of Application Performance Management predictions features industry experts – from analysts and consultants to users and the top vendors – offering thoughtful, insightful, and sometimes controversial predictions on how APM will evolve and impact business in 2015. The final installment, Part 3 is all about all about cloud, virtualization and DevOps ...

December 15, 2014

Black Friday may be behind us for another year, but Free Shipping Day is just around the corner. On the 18th of December, nearly 1,000 online stores will offer free shipping for last minute holiday shoppers. If you're one of these 1,000 retailers, no doubt you're rigorously stress testing your sites and apps to ensure they will run smoothly on the big day. But is your testing enough to guarantee a smooth shopping day for your customers? ...

December 11, 2014

More organizations are discovering the efficiencies of adopting DevOps practices for application lifecycle management. As they do, they realize that Application Performance Management (APM) enables DevOps ROI (return on investment) ...

November 13, 2014

APMdigest asked experts from across the APM industry for their opinions on how to best prepare for the challenges of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the Holiday Shopping Season. The second set of six technologies presented here includes tools for network operations and development ...

November 05, 2014

There are a lot of apps being developed and hosted in the cloud, and those teams have a significant need to monitor and manage app performance. But what about the customers of those apps and services – IT and business operations teams that purchase and maintain portfolios of cloud apps for their organizations? They still support users who expect them to maintain high application service levels regardless of where the app runs. Unfortunately, most APM solutions on the market today aren't well suited to their needs. This is why many organizations who already have a myriad of systems management and monitoring tools are seeking alternatives able to help them manage their cloud-based apps. It's this gap – and emerging IT business operations customer base for APM – that will define the APM landscape in the years to come ...

October 21, 2014

Organizations that are "extremely successful" in advanced operations analytics (AOA) are 20 times more likely to be "very successful" in their hybrid cloud adoptions than those who were only "moderately successful" or less in AOA, according to a new Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) Research Report, The Many Faces of Advanced Operations Analytics ...

October 13, 2014

Last month I introduced some recent — and I believe highly significant — research into the area of what EMA calls "Advanced Operations Analytics" or AOA. In that blog, I defined AOA as "big data for IT" and went on to explain how it transcends operations to include all of IT as well as some business constituents. In parallel, AOA also supports many multiple use cases.Now I’d like to share some of the "use case" insights and perspectives we learned from the research ...

October 10, 2014

Mobile monitoring is materially different from web monitoring, mainly due to the nature of the highly capable thick client. At the same time, the trends repeat: in the same way web monitoring quickly evolved to adopt the end user perspective through specific browsers and browser versions, also here, mobile monitoring is irrelevant if you’re not opting to adopt the end user perspective. With that in mind, there are more than a few choices when coming to select your mobile monitoring solution. Here are some principles you want to keep in mind as you decide about your initial foray into this space ...

October 07, 2014

Pursuing DevOps ROI (return on investment) is compelling for organizations that adopt this approach to agile development practices. With the evolution toward cloud and mobile apps that run on converged infrastructures companies that implement DevOps processes can realize significant benefits in the three components of ROI. These include reduced costs, enhanced productivity and faster time to revenue. DevOps can also help mitigate risks, such as customer loss due to poor user experience, operational inefficiencies, and non-compliance with GRC (governance, regulatory, compliance) mandates ...

September 25, 2014

What is the best APM (Application Performance Management) solution out there in the market today? Unfortunately that question cannot be answered until your requirements are clearly defined. However, when shopping for an APM solution, there are certain qualities that you must consider in order to ensure maximum ROI (Return on Investment). The following are 8 qualities you must look for in an APM solution if your enterprise is primarily Java based ...

September 22, 2014

"Leaders" who are investing in new innovation and development capabilities are growing revenue at more than twice the rate of "Laggards", creating an Application Divide in the marketplace, according to a global study commissioned by CA Technologies entitled How to Survive and Thrive in the Application Economy ...

September 18, 2014

Moving your businesses' infrastructure, including the application layer and associated APIs, to the cloud, is a daunting task given today's plethora of digital tools available and heightened concerns of data protection, application performance and data integrity. One of the most conveniently accessible options is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery via cloud computing, which offers businesses a reliable, cost-effective way to manage and track company IT consumption without the burden of managing physical servers. But leveraging the public cloud introduces inherent challenges in terms of quality of application delivery and performance because a company's data now traverses through a series of externally maintained systems and security controls. Accordingly, enterprises looking to move to a SaaS app-delivery cloud model should consider the following ...

September 10, 2014

Fragmented approaches to APM are being promoted as solutions to support the DevOps ideal of continuous integration and delivery, but the stark lack of integrated tools in these APM arsenals isn’t likely to make communication and collaboration between dev and ops any easier or more efficient ...

August 29, 2014

Doug Roberts, Director of Enterprise Products at Fluke Networks, discusses Application Aware Network Performance Management (AANPM) and its relation to — and difference from — Application Performance Management (APM) and traditional Network Performance Management (NPM) ...

August 20, 2014

The traditional methods used to define and develop desktop applications will not work with mobile application development (AD), according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that as demand from business units in enterprises puts increasing pressure on IT organizations to deliver large numbers of mobile applications, AD teams will have to to employ practices that are different from traditional AD ...

August 12, 2014

There are many components that need to be considered prior to launching an app to ensure a successful user experience. A Dev/Test team's worst nightmare is to launch an app they spent hours, days, weeks, and months to build, only to receive reports of bugs that ruin the user's experience. The mobile app market is extremely competitive, with Gartner citing the number of app downloads reaching nearly 269 billion by 2017. With so many options, only apps that work will survive. If an app fails to meet the user's expectations due to poor functionality, availability or reliability, abandonment will most likely occur. So, how does a mobile Dev/Test team prevent app failure from the beginning? ...

August 05, 2014

Real User Measurement (RUM) has been a go-to method for gaining insight as to how a site is performing at the last mile and whether end users encounter any errors or performance lags during their time on the site. Without the use of a Navigation Timing API, however, this insight is extremely shallow and leaves many stones unturned ...

July 22, 2014

We live in a time when applications reign supreme. More and more of our interactions with business are done digitally via an app. Your software is now the face of your business. But how does your current software reflect on your brand and reputation? Does it give you competitive edge against more nimble, newer challengers? Recently, CA Technologies and Forrester conducted a survey to evaluate the impact of software modernization on a number of key business metrics.The findings were fascinating, and require us to rethink the way we develop, deploy, and refresh enterprise software ...

July 21, 2014

In my previous blog, Two APM Takeaways from Velocity Santa Clara 2014, I talked about fragmentation of solutions as a major trend in the APM space. Most vendors are providing a singular solution for some part of performance management, but yet, very few are able to provide a unified solution. In this post I want to extend this discussion to focus on what this means for DevOps ...

June 25, 2014

If you live in the United States, there’s a good chance you had no idea that the Internet turned into a wide-ranging traffic accident last week when Facebook went down for half an hour ...

June 24, 2014

Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) released its latest research report entitledDevOps and Continuous Delivery: Ten Factors Shaping the Future of Application Delivery.

June 24, 2014

The ability to view things from the end user perspective and to drill down into the code level deep dive can be extremely powerful, and the information gathered from this ability provides DevOps teams with an instant view into the direct root cause of any user experience problem they may not otherwise have noticed ...
