The APM Blog

January 22, 2020
Tom Kaneshige
BPI Network

Many pitfalls await CIOs on the journey to the cloud. In fact, a majority of companies have been only partially successful, while some are outright failing. To learn more about this migration, Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network surveyed IT and business executives and conducted in-depth interviews ...

December 04, 2019
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Useful digital transformation means altering or designing new business processes, and implementing them via the people and technology changes needed to support these new business processes ...

December 03, 2019
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

The word "digital" is today thrown around in word and phrase like rice at a wedding and never do two utterances thereof have the same meaning. Common phrases like "digital skills" and "digital transformation" are explained in 101 different ways. The outcome of this is a predictable cycle of confusion, especially at business management level where often the answer to business issues is "more technology" ...

November 14, 2019

A brief introduction to Applications Performance Monitoring (APM), breaking it down to a few key points, followed by a few important lessons which I have learned over the years ...

October 17, 2019
Navin Israni

As the data generated by organizations grows, APM tools are now required to do a lot more than basic monitoring of metrics. Modern data is often raw and unstructured and requires more advanced methods of analysis. The tools must help dig deep into this data for both forensic analysis and predictive analysis. To extract more accurate and cheaper insights, modern APM tools use Big Data techniques to store, access, and analyze the multi-dimensional data ...

October 15, 2019
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

According to a study by Forrester Research, an enhanced UX design can increase the conversion rate by 400%. If UX has become the ultimate arbiter in determining the success or failure of a product or service, let us first understand what UX is all about ...

October 07, 2019
Dennis Drogseth

OK, I admit it. "Service modeling" is an awkward term, especially when you're trying to frame three rather controversial acronyms in the same overall place: CMDB, CMS and DDM. Nevertheless, that's exactly what we did in EMA's most recent research: Service Modeling in the Age of Cloud and Containers. The goal was to establish a more holistic context for looking at the synergies and differences across all these areas ...

September 26, 2019
Navin Israni

APM tools are your window into your application's performance — its capacity and levels of service. However, traditional APM tools are now struggling due to the mismatch between their specifications and expectations. Modern application architectures are multi-faceted; they contain hybrid components across a variety of on-premise and cloud applications. Modern enterprises often generate data in silos with each outflow having its own data structure. This data comes from several tools over different periods of time. Such diversity in sources, structure, and formats present unique challenges for traditional enterprise tools ...

September 16, 2019
Pete Goldin

Top performing organizations (TPOs) in managing IT Operations are experiencing significant operational and business benefits such as 5.9x shorter average Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) per incident as compared to all other organizations, according to a new market study from Digital Enterprise Journal ...

September 11, 2019
Jevon MacDonald

Do you get excited when you discover a new service from one of the top three public clouds or a new public cloud provider? I do. But every time you feel excited about new cloud offerings, you should also feel a twinge of fear. Because in the tech world, each time we introduce something new we also add a new point of failure for our application and potentially a service we are stuck with. This is why thinking about the long-tail cloud for your organization is important ...

August 29, 2019
Shamus McGillicuddy

Over the last several years, EMA research found that enterprises are actively expanding their use of network automation tools.To understand these automation projects more fully, EMA has completed a new study, titled "Enterprise Network Automation for 2020 and Beyond" ...

August 22, 2019
Valerie O'Connell

Recent EMA research explored the state of ESM. One of the many conclusions is that ESM is mainstream. Fully 87% have some level of ESM deployment. Not surprisingly, there is a significant divide between mature and relatively new deployments in terms of benefits derived, use of AI and automation, adoption levels, and number of non-IT areas being served from established ITSM implementations ...

August 15, 2019
Dennis Drogseth

The configuration management database (CMDB), along with its more federated companion, the configuration management system (CMS), has been bathed in a deluge of negative opinions from all fronts — industry experts, vendors, and IT professionals. But from what recent EMA research on analytics, ITSM performance and other areas is indicating, those negative views seem to be missing out on a real undercurrent of truth — that CMDB/CMS alignments, whatever their defects, strongly skew to success in terms of overall IT progressiveness and effectiveness ...

June 06, 2019
Pete Goldin

AIOps Exchange, a not-for-profit private forum defining the future of AIOps, published The AIOps Manifesto discussing the role of AI in supporting digital transformation ...

May 28, 2019
Dennis Drogseth

EMA analysts teamed up to explore DevOps realities from multiple dimensions. One of the primary goals was to learn what's true beyond the hype in terms of how DevOps initiatives succeed or fail, who's really involved and why, what activities, best practices, toolsets and technologies are most likely to bring success, and what are the impacts of trends such as cloud, microservices, digital and transformation. We learned a great deal and look forward to sharing many of the highlights with you ...

May 07, 2019
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

Today, the overall customer scenario has digitally transformed and practically there is no limitation to the ways in which the target customers can be reached. These opportunities are throwing multiple challenges for brands and enterprises, and one of the prominent ones is to ensure Omni Channel experience for customers ...

April 08, 2019
Dennis Drogseth

This Thursday EMA will be presenting a webinar — Automation, AI and Analytics: Reinventing ITSM — covering recent research. There were quite a few surprises. And in fact, many of the surprises indicated a yet-more-positive outlook than we expected ...

March 29, 2019
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

The need to streamline an organization’s digital value chain and to offer a seamless user experience makes Digital Assurance and Testing inevitable. With the absence of a physical store, the user interface becomes the face for an e-commerce business ...

March 28, 2019
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

E-commerce has disrupted the way people shop, and digital transformation has revolutionized the consumer behavior in terms of their purchasing pattern and check-points. Hence, knowing the opportunities and challenges in the digital space, a lot of attention is driven towards Digital Assurance and Software Testing ...

March 21, 2019
Jonathan Eropkin
2nd Watch

Achieving audit compliance within your IT ecosystem can be an iterative process, and it doesn't have to be compressed into the five days before the audit is due. Following is a four-step process I use to guide clients through the process of preparing for and successfully completing IT audits ...
