The APM Blog

October 18, 2022
Pete Goldin

OpenTelemetry is not fully mature today, although you can begin to implement components currently. The question is: When will OpenTelemetry be fully ready? ...

October 17, 2022
Pete Goldin

OpenTelemetry — You have probably heard of it. You may already be using parts of it. In this 8-part blog series, posted over the next two weeks, APMdigest will explore OpenTelemetry, with input from a range of experts on the subject ...

September 12, 2022
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Statistically speaking, every year, slow-loading websites cost a staggering $2.6 billion in losses to their owners. Also, about 53% of the website visitors on mobile are likely to abandon the site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. This is the reason why performance testing should be conducted rigorously on a website or web application in the SDLC before deployment ...

September 07, 2022
Eveline Oehrlich
DevOps Institute

For organizations to be successful with SRE, they must also transform the culture and human side within their organization. This cultural shift and new way of thinking must happen across IT and the business. The Global SRE Pulse 2022 report offers a deep look into the state and trends that are shaping SRE now and looking forward. With more than 460 survey responses from SRE professionals at organizations of all sizes, we've identified four top takeaways from the Global SRE Pulse report ...

July 25, 2022
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

It is common knowledge that businesses across domains committed to digitizing themselves during the pandemic. While digital presence is the need of the hour, the challenge is elsewhere. Today, for businesses to sustain themselves in the market, performance has become the key to achieving success ...

July 14, 2022
Daniel Lakier

The goal for every infrastructure team, indeed every IT team, is being able to move from set up automation towards a successful operational automation deployment. Until recently this was almost unattainable. The tools associated with the AIOps tool set provide the catalyst to make this goal a reality ...

June 29, 2022
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

When it comes to AIOps predictions, there's no question of AI's value in predictive intelligence and faster problem resolution for IT teams. In fact, Gartner has reported that there is no future for IT Operations without AIOps. So, where is AIOps headed in five years? Here's what the vendors and thought leaders in the AIOps space had to share ...

June 13, 2022
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Today's users want a complete digital experience when dealing with a software product or system. They are not content with the page load speeds or features alone but want the software to perform optimally in an omnichannel environment comprising multiple platforms, browsers, devices, and networks. This calls into question the role of load testing services to check whether the given software under testing can perform optimally when subjected to peak load ...

May 19, 2022
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

Recently, a regional healthcare organization wanted to retire its legacy monitoring tools and adopt AIOps. The organization asked Windward Consulting to implement an AIOps strategy that would help streamline its outdated and unwieldy IT system management. Our team's AIOps implementation process helped this client and can help others in the industry too. Here's what my team did ...

May 18, 2022
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

You've likely heard it before: every business is a digital business. However, some businesses and sectors digitize more quickly than others. Healthcare has traditionally been on the slower side of digital transformation and technology adoption, but that's changing. As healthcare organizations roll out innovations at increasing velocity, they must build a long-term strategy for how they will maintain the uptime of their critical apps and services. And there's only one tool that can ensure this continuous availability in our modern IT ecosystems. AIOps can help IT Operations teams ensure the uptime of critical apps and services ...

May 09, 2022
Valerie O'Connell

Nothing drives IT change like … change. There has been plenty of that to go around in the past few years. Planned digital transformation initiatives turbocharged into accelerated implementation as employees working from anywhere raised the stakes of day-to-day IT operations to business-critical levels. EMA undertook a deep dive research project with 400+ global IT leaders to understand the practical realities of IT ServiceOps today and in the near future ...

May 02, 2022
Shamus McGillicuddy

Network operations teams are trying to establish partnerships with DevOps teams, but the process isn't easy. The DevOps team tends to focus on the deployment and quality of applications while the network operations team focuses on network monitoring and management. While the two groups have different priorities, they see opportunities to help each other ...

April 19, 2022
Arun Ramchandran

Cloud providers Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure each have rolled out multiple industry-specific offerings in an attempt to better appeal to companies in specific industries, including financial services, retail, telecommunications, media, energy, to name a few. In some ways, vertical industry clouds are a natural evolution after the general purpose cloud services (like Azure and AWS), and the horizontal function-driven SaaS platforms ...

April 05, 2022
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Digital transformation has allowed business enterprises to relook at their business models and find ways to accelerate their workflows. It is now a foregone conclusion that the future will belong to those who are fast, agile, and innovative. Every business enterprise worth its salt is eyeing the fast-changing dynamics of the market and is aiming to — release new products quickly to the market, innovate fast, become agile, and embrace new ways to work. No wonder, digital transformation has become the way to go for enterprises, confirmed by two-thirds of CEOs, according to IDC. And when it is about digital transformation, how can DevOps as a methodology stay behind? ...

March 29, 2022
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Leveraging performance testing services is necessary to prevent the software application from facing downtime, lag, or other issues. These services can help with easy tracking of issues that have the potential to impact the functionality, features, and end-user experience. The trends in performance testing and engineering are as follows ...

March 24, 2022
Lee Frederiksen

Nearly every professional services firm has a digital transformation agenda for 2022 and beyond. Whether that "agenda" is a loosely defined idea — or a finely honed roadmap to success — will vary from organization to organization. But one thing is absolutely clear: Professional services firms have some catching up to do in the digital transformation department ...

March 08, 2022
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

In the last few years, I have found it more difficult to understand various aspects of IT in articles I read on an IT topic ...

March 01, 2022
Shamus McGillicuddy

Nearly 97% of DevOps teams are integrating their orchestration solutions with network automation tools, according to new research from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA). Integration between data center network automation tools and DevOps tools are nearly universal, but the depth of that integration varies. More than 50% of companies have or plan to have only loose integration between NetOps and DevOps automation, meaning that many NetOps teams are limiting the extent of network programmability that they offer to DevOps ...

February 24, 2022
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

My recent best practices report on AIOps titled A CIO's Guide to AIOps just got published. What started out as an AIOps use cases document morphed into an AIOps emerging trends document. However, when feedback was sought from CIOs and CTOs in our research panel, they suggested best practices and how to strategize AI and IT Operations in a broader sense to be included in the report ...

February 15, 2022
Padmini Ramamurthy
Tech Mahindra

It is common knowledge that Data is extremely important in Automation and AIOps implementations. Good data yields good insights from the implementation. Yet, while planning for the efforts for an AIOps implementation, the effort needed for some aspects of data are completely overlooked. The most overlooked aspects of the Data are ...
