The APM Blog

February 14, 2022
Jayne Groll
DevOps Institute

When it comes to IT professions, skill development remains essential to human transformation. The ability to collaborate, solve problems and continuously upskill helps advance the DevOps journey and creates stronger, more effective individuals, teams and organizations. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), remains a top practice — with SRE-specific roles making it to the forefront of many organizations' hiring objectives. As more organizations look for qualified SRE candidates or look to upskill their internal SRE's, technical skills remain critical to building top performers in this role. For further insights, we reached out to DevOps Institute Ambassadors, who identified several other SRE skills ...

January 11, 2022
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

Technology is now foundational to financial companies' operations with many institutions relying on tech to deliver critical services. As a result, uptime is essential to customer satisfaction and company success, and systems must be subject to continuous monitoring. But modern IT architectures are disparate, complex and interconnected, and the data is too voluminous for the human mind to handle. Enter AIOps ...

November 08, 2021
Valerie O'Connell

Artificial intelligence (AI) may be the brains, but when the market hears the term "AIOps," it puts automation in the mix. After all, what is the use of knowing without doing? ...

September 16, 2021
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

Achieve more with less. How many of you feel that pressure — or, even worse, hear those words — trickle down from leadership? The reality is that overworked and under-resourced IT departments will only lead to chronic errors, missed deadlines and service assurance failures. After all, we're only human. So what are overburdened IT departments to do? Reduce the human factor. In a word: automate ...

September 09, 2021
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Business enterprises aiming at digital transformation or IT companies developing new software applications face challenges in developing eye-catching, robust, fast-loading, mobile-friendly, content-rich, and user-friendly software. However, with increased pressure to reduce costs and save time, business enterprises often give a short shrift to performance testing services ...

September 07, 2021
Jayne Groll
DevOps Institute

As we look into the future direction of observability, we are paying attention to the rise of artificial intelligence, machine learning, security, and more. I asked top industry experts — DevOps Institute Ambassadors — to offer their predictions for the future of observability. The following are 10 predictions ...

August 18, 2021
Peter Tsai

We have good and bad news for cloud vendors catching their breath post-pandemic: there's little time to rest. The boom of buyers adopting cloud tech to support the initial rush to remote work in 2020 might be behind us, but that was only the beginning ...

August 12, 2021
Ajay Kumar Mudunuri
Cigniti Technologies

Why do people prefer Apple phones, or for that matter, Google as the preeminent search engine when there are plenty of alternatives available? The answer lies in the superior customer experience provided by the above-mentioned companies and garnering the much sought-after customer loyalty. Businesses ought to provide superior customer experience through applications when the traffic is significantly high. They should be able to foresee the performance of applications at peak loads by leveraging load testing services. The role of customer experience in building customer loyalty is a foregone conclusion ...

July 15, 2021
Roy Illsley

The introduction of the latest technology — such as AI and machine learning — can be seen as a way for organizations to accelerate growth, increase efficiency, and improve customer service. However, the truth is that the technology alone will do little to deliver on these business outcomes. AI for IT operations (AIOps) is one area where the application of technology, if not matched with organizational maturity readiness, will fail to deliver all the promised benefits ...

July 13, 2021
Sean McDermott
Windward Consulting Group

As part of digital transformation initiatives, IT teams are quickly adopting AIOps solutions to accommodate a new multifaceted infrastructure. However, there are still several roadblocks IT leaders must overcome when adopting AIOps — namely, understanding how to showcase ROI and changing their team's cultural mindset around adopting a new strategy ...

June 24, 2021
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

E-commerce metrics give insights on how the business is doing and operating an e-commerce platform without tracking the metrics is akin to driving a car with eyes closed. To sustain and be successful, e-commerce businesses should understand their performance and compare their progress over time. The metrics can be harnessed to derive meaningful insights on the store’s performance, the average value of items sold at any given time, and the total sales clocked in a day, week, and month, among others. To help you decide the retail e-commerce metrics to monitor, we have compiled this list ...

May 19, 2021
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

"Upskilling" is a popular phrase, used liberally by educators, vendor trainers and other organizations like Microsoft (Global Skills Initiative) and LinkedIn (Skills Path) with their own programs of numerous courses covering many aspects of IT. This sounds a great idea for bolstering IT skills for the changing world of computing ...

May 17, 2021
Miguel Sanchez

Many organizations face several roadblocks on their digital transformation journey, the most significant and most damaging barrier being the myths surrounding it. This blog debunks the critical myths surrounding digital transformation so that organizations feel confident in taking those forward steps in their journey and not being deterred when challenges present themselves ...

May 13, 2021
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

Modern complex systems are easy to develop and deploy but extremely difficult to observe. Their IT Ops data gets very messy. If you have ever worked with modern Ops teams, you will know this. There are multiple issues with data, from collection to processing to storage to getting proper insights at the right time. I will try to group and simplify them as much as possible and suggest possible solutions to do it right ...

May 03, 2021
Valerie O'Connell

Vendors and their visions often run ahead of the real-world pack — at least, the good ones do, because progress begins with vision. The downside of this rush to tomorrow is that IT practitioners can be left to ponder the practicality of technologies and wonder if their organization is ahead of the market curve or sliding behind in an invisible race that is always competitive ...

April 07, 2021
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Application availability depends on the availability of other elements in a system, for example, network, server, operating system and so on, which support the application. Concentrating solely on the availability of any one block will not produce optimum availability of the application for the end user ...

February 16, 2021
Andy Thurai
The Field CTO

The AI+ITOPS Podcast just hit the 10K + download mark early this month. Most people listen to entire episodes, and many engage with us by sending a note on LinkedIn, Twitter, a direct email asking questions, clarifications, strategy advice, product selection advice ...

February 08, 2021
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

The onrushing Covid-19 pandemic has made online learning, in whatever form can be achieved in a short time, mandatory across nearly all academic institutions. Much of this will persist although "seat of the pants" online training will need development to mimic face-to-face teaching as far as possible ...

January 19, 2021
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

Given the limitations of the existing IT solutions to manage data, enterprises are leveraging AIOps to undertake a host of activities. These include understanding and predicting customer behavior, detecting anomalies and determining their reasons, and offering prescriptive advice. It helps to detect dependencies responsible for creating issues in an IT infrastructure. Also, with AI having features such as containerization, continuous monitoring, predictive or adaptive cloud management, enterprises can gain a next-gen perspective on their business ...

November 03, 2020
Akshaya Choudhary
Cigniti Technologies

As new technologies are incorporated to develop attractive, fast, feature-rich, secure, responsive, and turnkey software solutions, the expectations of customers continue to rise. They want their software applications to be high performing irrespective of the digital devices, browsers, operating systems, or networks. And with the preponderance of so many avenues and systems, the complexity of software systems (and their failure) is bound to increase. To address such challenges, enterprises need to look beyond traditional software quality assurance services and embrace quality engineering ...
