Vendor Forum

August 11, 2016
Sven Hammar

Web application load times can make the difference between your e-business thriving or dying. Speedy load times are so essential to a web application’s success that they should be considered a key performance indicator ...

August 10, 2016
David Hickman
SL Corporation

I’ve heard people say that they are super busy with production deployments and fast-moving projects. They haven’t had much time to think about a performance monitoring strategy for their new applications. But waiting until your applications are already in production is a mistake. However, it’s one that you can avoid. Develop, test and deploy your applications with monitoring already in place and save yourself a lot of headaches. Let me count the ways ...

August 09, 2016
Robin Lyon

How many of us IT professionals have been in a meeting similar to this: The chairs of various departments throughout the company are sitting around a long table and are giving a monthly summary. IT presents that the applications, network and servers were some amount of 9’s available and may explain an outage. The meeting goes on and then one of the heads explains a failure to meet department goals by stating some application was "slow" ...

August 08, 2016
Ann Ruckstuhl

Americans are increasingly turning to their computers and mobile devices to stock up on back to school essentials. With this increase in mobile traffic comes a heightened expectation. Consumers will only give an online or mobile store two seconds to work — if a site or app jams or is slow, then it's hasta la vista ...

August 05, 2016
Mike Sargent

The vast majority of companies surveyed, 85%, are likely to more closely monitor the performance of their applications and networks, including Wi-Fi, specifically because of potential strain due to employees accessing Olympic content, with 42% of these same companies being very likely to monitor more closely, according to The Riverbed Global Network Strain 2016 Snapshot Survey ...

August 03, 2016
Payal Chakravarty

In July 2016, the world of gaming was taken over by a new phenomenon – Pokémon Go. With popularity comes scale, and with scale comes an overload of requests to the gaming servers. Here is my list of probable solutions Pokémon Go could employ to improve the experience for their users and avid fans ...

August 02, 2016
Gustavo Gómez

A recent study conducted by Bizagi revealed that 79 percent of businesses with high levels of digital change cite changing customer expectations as the key driver for transformation. But that transformation is no easy task. Only 25 percent of businesses globally are highly agile, revealing that there is room for improvement across regions when it comes to incorporating fresh strategies and processes ...

August 01, 2016
Matthew Carr

When business service teams run into technical issues and alert storms, they want and need them resolved immediately, so these problems don't negatively impact their workload, deliverables, or client service. They call on their IT department for help, and their request then goes into the queue as an alert first, then multiple tickets later. Sounds simple, but in reality this has become a complex problem that's causing much confusion for downstream managers ...

July 29, 2016
Kong Yang

System Administrators (SysAdmins) are every organization’s unsung heroes. Whether it’s diagnosing performance bottlenecks or preventing data loss, application downtime, service outages and more, SysAdmins keep data centers running and work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep all the technology modern businesses have come to rely so heavily upon running smoothly. SolarWinds has developed these e-cards as a fun way to say “thank you” ...

July 28, 2016
Robin Lyon

IT has access to an amazing amount of data. Often we collect hundreds of data points on one server such as individual processor load, thread state, disk throughput both in and out etc. We then store this in a bin and use this to create a metric called something similar to server performance ...

July 27, 2016
Dave Page
Actual Experience

Today's IT managers and engineers have an incredible arsenal of powerful tactical tools; APM, NPM, BSM, EUEM and the list goes on. The strength of these tools, their narrow, bottom-up focus, is also the cause of a real problem for businesses. These narrow tools miss issues that stem from the hand-off from one node or application to the next. The monitoring tools can't see the data falling into the gaps ...

July 21, 2016
Dirk Paessler
Paessler AG

One of the most common problems network monitoring tools are employed to solve are problems with bandwidth. Availability is critical for IT departments of all sizes, and slow bandwidth creates productivity problems and even outages that have a real effect on businesses. Identifying the problems behind bandwidth drains can be difficult, so to help, I’ve put together a list of the five most common causes of sudden traffic spikes ...

July 20, 2016
Marcel M. Karman

In 2014 Gartner predicted that "75 percent of IT organizations will be bi-modal in some way by 2017." We are in the midst of this two-speed IT approach that organizations are adopting at an increasing rate to stay relevant for their customers. Speed 1 is the traditional IT that is being managed by the IT Operations persona and Speed 2 is the agile IT where within the organization especially the Developer persona and the Line of Business Persona are involved to get the most out of the digital innovations that flood our daily lives. One thing that these personas have in common is that they have a need for monitoring. In this blog I will focus on the needs of the various personas ...

July 19, 2016
Ricardo Belmar

While shoppers enjoy the bargains on Prime Day – a 24-hour sale on Amazon – few may realize that the success of such massive events hinges on network and application performance ...

July 18, 2016
Paul Higley

I am constantly hearing the common theme that organizations want to make their IT-dependent employees and customers top priority in order to better support business growth. However, what I then find contradictory is while the desire is there, it's a significant challenge for organizations to actually achieve this. Here are four common barriers to business transformation initiatives – and suggested steps enterprises can take to overcome them ...

July 15, 2016
Saba Anees

You already see the potential of adopting an Internet of Things model into your enterprise, but are you doing it in the best way? The following are four questions you and your team should be answering to determine how to find the right opportunity in the IoT space for your business ...

July 13, 2016
Brad Denniston

The correct response within the expected time – those are the two main benefits your data center provides. If you don't provide those benefits your business loses customers. It will filter down to you through sales, then marketing, then the CIO then – what are you going to do now?

July 12, 2016
Linda Ellis

By participating in identifying and implementing tools that fill employees needs while providing quality experiences, IT departments can support employee productivity rather than hinder it. At the same time, they’ll be able to more easily and securely govern the plethora of consumer applications inundating the enterprise. Here are examples of software characteristics and user experience best practices that can provide workers with efficient workflows yet also meet the functionality requirements of IT administrators ...

July 08, 2016
Bob Johnson

APM technologies have evolved quickly over the past few years and, will no doubt, continue to accelerate during the coming years. One key area which APM vendors have to recognize is a current weakness that must be quickly addressed is that the compelling business driver is not just ensuring the health, availability, and performance of "applications" but the business services which they support ...

July 07, 2016
Sri Chaganty

Delivering perfect production performance is always hard and ever changing. The fundamentals are very structured and logical, however, with so many end points in a dynamic, virtualized, distributed application topology. The only viable approach today is to understand the end user experience as measured by response time ...
