The APM Blog

June 08, 2017
Julie Craig

How and where do tools fit into this picture? Tools help rein in this growth and complexity by addressing key functional questions supporting tools acquisitions. API providers often find themselves asking ...

June 07, 2017
Julie Craig

We live in a world of massively interconnected applications and supply chains. In recent years, the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has largely replaced technologies such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and custom-written programs for development of new system integrations. APIs are now the de facto industry standard for integrating data and/or functionality across diverse application ecosystems. The speed and breadth with which API ecosystems have proliferated is impacting APM in a big way ...

May 25, 2017
Dennis Drogseth

According to most industry perceptions, application performance management (APM) and application portfolio management (APM) might seem to be worlds apart — or at best connected by a very thin thread. In this blog, I'd like to highlight three areas that are bridging the APM-to-APM divide: digital experience management, application discovery and dependency mapping (ADDM), and agile/DevOps lifecycle planning ...

May 11, 2017
Dennis Drogseth

The growing market for analytics in IT is one of the more exciting areas to watch in the technology industry. Exciting because of the variety and types of vendor innovation in this area. And exciting as well because our research indicates the adoption of advanced IT analytics supports data sharing and joint decision making in a way that's catalytic for both IT and digital transformation ...

May 04, 2017
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

Manually troubleshooting a performance problem is time-consuming. Investments in APM or similar tools set the business up with the capability to proactively monitor applications, allowing performance corrections to be implemented before users are impacted. Reacting to real-time performance trends sure beats reacting to user complaints ...

May 03, 2017
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

Yes, there really Is a problem. It is not that we do not believe user-reported information; it is just that experience tells us that other factors can be in play that make it necessary to get the full representation of the problem ...

May 02, 2017
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

Combining a packet capture and a browser-level timing makes determining slowness on the user's computer relatively easy, although only a very minute percentage of application performance problems happen at the local computer. But just because multiple users have reported slowness, you should not disregard the client infrastructure. Many companies distribute the same image to many computers, which allows for the possibility that a client-side change has caused a problem ...

April 28, 2017
Pete Goldin

Today 96 percent of organizations have Digital Transformation initiatives on their roadmap and more than half of those initiatives are in process now. However, there is a major disconnect between user expectations and what IT can deliver, and it is hindering innovation, according to a new survey by Veeam ...

April 19, 2017
Pete Goldin

A majority of senior IT leaders and decision-making managers of large companies surveyed around the world indicate their organizations have yet to fully embrace the aspects of IT Transformation needed to remain competitive, according to a new study conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) ...

April 12, 2017
Perry Szarka

Is composable infrastructure the right choice for your IT environment? The following are 5 key questions that can help you begin to explore the capabilities of composable infrastructure and its applicability within your own IT environment ...

April 11, 2017
Perry Szarka

What is composable infrastructure, and is it the right choice for your IT environment? That's the question on many CIOs' minds today as they work to position their organizations as "digitally driven," delivering better, deeper, faster user experiences and a more agile response to change in whatever vertical market you do business in today ...

April 06, 2017
Pete Goldin

The biggest factor driving happiness is the quality of relationships IT professionals have with their coworkers, including users, peers, and managers, according to the 2017 IT Job Satisfaction report from Spiceworks ...

March 28, 2017
Jim Rapoza
Aberdeen Group

The amount of data, research and case studies on the benefits and effectiveness of hybrid cloud keeps growing. Yet some people are still skeptical, thinking that it’s just a play to keep data centers relevant in a public cloud age. Some recent outages of cloud-based systems may be just the thing to bring hybrid cloud skeptics around ...

March 24, 2017
Pete Goldin

A growing IT delivery gap is slowing down the majority of the businesses surveyed and directly putting revenue at risk, according to MuleSoft's 2017 Connectivity Benchmark Report on digital transformation initiatives and the business impact of APIs ...

March 22, 2017
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

Much emphasis is placed on servers and storage when discussing Application Performance, mainly because the application lives on a server and uses storage. However, the network has considerable importance, certainly in the case of WANs where there are ways of speeding up the transmission of data of a network ...

March 21, 2017
Pete Goldin

The majority of IT executives believe investment in IT Service Management (ITSM) is important to gain the agility needed to compete in an era of global, cross-industry disruption and digital transformation, according to Delivering Value to Today’s Digital Enterprise: The State of IT Service Management 2017, a report by BMC, conducted in association with Forbes ...

March 16, 2017
Dennis Drogseth

IT leadership is more driven to be innovative than ever, but also more in need of justifying costs and showing value than ever. Combining the two is no mean feat, especially when individual technologies are put forward as the single tantalizing answer ...

March 09, 2017
Duke Vukadinovic

There are certain mistakes that many ecommerce website owners commonly make that greatly impact their website’s performance. You can avoid these mistakes and turn your ecommerce website into an effective one that will help you increase sales ...

March 01, 2017
Pete Goldin

Certificate-related outages negatively impact the reliability and availability of vital systems and services, according to a new study by Venafi ...

February 23, 2017
Terry Critchley
Author of "Making It in IT"

An important aspect of performance monitoring is where the observer stands when looking at the IT scenario. Each participant has a different view of what is bad performance - network, database, web, system, user personnel, management and external people - customers, regulatory bodies etc. These are what I call viewpoints ...
